Fuck. I was feeling bereft that she wasn’t doing that with me. I wanted her to, even if she was opening her mouth to tell me to stop.
She didn’t.
What surprised me was when she closed her eyes, biting her bottom lip.
My good little pet enjoyed this. I suckled more of her in my mouth before letting her go and blowing on the wet spot I left on her skin.
Her muscles tensed.
I pulled back and waited for her to open her eyes.
When she did, I pointed to the wide horizontal scar on my rib. “Your father gave this to me for talking back.”
I laughed. The sound was ugly and mean. “I hadn’t been fucking talking back. He’d asked me a question and I answered. It was as simple as that, and then he fucking pulled out his knife.”
Her eyes shifted, and fuck me if she wasn’t looking at me with pity.
I didn’t want her pity.
At this point, I’d much rather have her hatred.
I moved her finger down to the cross tattoo. She traced it delicately with her small finger.
“The man who sold me to your father has the same tattoo on the exact same place on his left forearm.”
Her wide eyes jumped up and met mine. I could see the question in them. Why did I get the same tattoo?
To remind myself. To never forget. I wasn’t just after her father’s blood, but the man whose identity remained a mystery to me, even to this day.
I grabbed her hand and moved it to my back, near my shoulder blade. Her fingertips traced against the lines.
“Whip lashes. One hundred and fifty-two of them. I counted. He had one of his soldiers deliver the lashes until his arms grew tired.”
Her eyes grew wet.
I grabbed her small shoulder, shaking a little.
“Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t you fucking cry for a monster.”
She shook her head, as if to contradict me.
I shook my head. “Hate to break it to you, but I’ve long since become the monster your father made me into. No one thought I would live to see twenty. I had been an errand boy for him. I took on all the dangerous tasks, knowing if I wasn’t killed by his hands one day, then it would be by the hands of his enemy. I was beaten, starved, and locked up for just breathing wrong.”
I leaned down close until our noses touched, revealing all the fucking dirty parts of myself. “Used by all those sick bastards in your father’s circle. For their pleasure of finding someoneyoung. Someone fucking untainted. Like you. You get me?”
Her eyes widened. She got me.
“The same way I wanted to use you. The same way I’m going to fucking use you.”
That had been the intention. Use Angelo Agnello’s greatest treasure. I wanted to make a mockery out of him. Dirty her up and take away the one thing he valued about her.
Her fucking virginity.
So why the fuck did that statement sound like a fucking lie?
I switched position, and moved her flat on her back, crawling in between her legs and ignoring the way her eyes widened in surprise over the move.
I looked down at the white panties she had on.