Page 62 of Born in Depravity

I shot him a look.Easy?

On whom? Me or him?

The smallest smile curved his lip as he pulled the strip off. Admittedly, it wasn’t as painful as the others. Or perhaps, I was just fucking numb to it all. I tried to move my legs back down, but Mikhail stopped me. He cupped my butt cheek.

My muscles clenched. I didn’t like this, but fuck—

I could feel myself getting wet and I didn’t know why.

“All done,” he said, his voice rough, gently putting my leg down. I didn’t want to know why he sounded like that.

It had been the longest fifteen minutes of my entire life. I briefly glanced down at myself before looking away, heat scorching my cheek.

What the fuck?

I didn’t do anything when he rubbed some cool cream on my red skin. I bit my lip, hating that I was receiving such intimate,gentletouches from him, yet …

I didn’t fucking completely hate it.

Not at all.

Mikhail finally removed the cuff.

I quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it over my body. I didn’t look back at him, though I felt his presence nearby.

He cleared away the shit he had used on me, and then he just …

He just stood by his side of the bed, not saying anything. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he wasn’t breathing either—the man was so silent.

Then he shifted, his legs moving across the carpeted floor and to the bathroom. I heard the water turn on.

Some more shuffling noise.

I didn’t know what he was doing.

I peeked out a bit and quickly covered myself with the blanket when I saw him walk out the bathroom, naked save for his black boxer briefs.

I had never seen so much skin on any man before, and it seemed these three had no reserve walking around without any clothes on.

I thought perhaps he would get dressed and leave.

It was what I wanted. I wanted to be alone. My cheeks still burned, and what was more, the skin on my sex was tender.

But Mikhail turned off the lights in the bedroom, and instead of walking out of the room, he climbed into bed with me.

He pulled the blanket up to cover himself and shifted toward me. I tried to get away from him. I would have slept on the fucking floor. I didn’t want him near me, not after what he had just done. Fuck. I was just so sick of this.

He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me closer to him until my body was plastered to his side and not a spare inch of space was between us. I tried to push him away from me, but he tightly cocooned me against his body. I knew I couldn’t fight him off.

Tears stung my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. I didn’t want to cry anymore.

He moved his hand down to my bottom cheek, giving it a decisive squeeze.

I tensed in his arms.

“Go to sleep,kotyonok.”

Like what Damien had said to me the night before. I wondered how he thought I could sleep with him so close by, and like this.