Page 197 of Born in Depravity

When Father pulled out his gun and fired the first shot, I realized this wasn’t a hallucination.

They were here. They actually came for me.

The door behind me opened and more people came pouring in. I recognized some of the faces of the men who were my father’s soldiers.

I let out a small cry of relief, which quickly turned to pain when Henry grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back, holding me in front of him.

Damien turned and looked at us.

He seemed as unemotionally cold as he had always been, but there was a burning fire in his eyes now that I hadn’t noticed before.

Damien was angry.

Henry pushed off the mattress, taking me with him. When he tried to back away, the chain pulled on my arm. I let out a small groan in pain, and he stopped. If he was planning on getting out of here with me as his shield, he would have to cut my arm off.

My hand twitched, and I realized I still had the blade in my grip. I looked at Damien while Nikolay and Mikhail held my father off.

The man who had come in with my men growled, inching forward, his gaze directed at something behind me.

He held his gun up and pointed. “I wouldn’t if I were you,bastardo.”

It took me a moment to realize he was the one Damien had spoken with on the phone earlier.

“Gabriel, is that any way to greet your little brother?” Luis asked. I had almost forgotten he was there.

“You’re not my fucking brother, so I wouldn’t go there. Now, stay where I can fucking see you or I put this bullet in your head.”

I turned slightly and saw Luis walk up to Henry and me, his hands casually raised, an arrogant smile on his face.

He looked at me, holding out his hand.

I flinched when he touched my face—then I jumped back and let out a startled scream when a bullet hit the ground near Luis’s feet.

Luis let his hand fall to his side, and Nikolay moved forward. “Touch her again and the next bullet goes through your heart. I don’t give a fuck if Gabriel already laid claim on your head.”

Luis laughed. “Laid claim on my head? I thought the bitch belonged to Damien. Why are you so concerned, Nikki?” He smiled nastily. “Is it true you all like to share a woman?”

He glanced sideways at me.

I tried not to show my fear.

“Should have sampled you myself when I had the chance. You all came in a little too early. Any later and I would have a nice video to share.”

I wiggled away when Henry grabbed my waist, pulling me back to him.

“Let her go,” Mikhail said calmly.

I let my eyes settle on him, trying to take in some of his calm. It helped some, but the fact that I was still in Henry’s hold meant they wouldn’t do anything. I realized now they wouldn’t risk me.

Slowly, I edged the blade out from where I had it hidden in the folds of my dress.

Had I not been watching, I wouldn’t have noticed the look of surprise that crossed Damien’s eyes.

He subtly shook his head. I managed a small smile before I pulled it back and rammed it into Henry’s thigh.

He let out a loud scream, and I ducked onto the mattress as bullets started flying.

I covered my ears and shut my eyes as chaos ensued, trying to make myself as small as possible. Someone touched my shoulder. I screamed and swung my hand with the knife. A large hand grabbed my wrist, stilling me.