“Fine. Tell the little princess to hurry up with her bath.”
“She wouldn’t need a bath if your horny ass didn’t go and touch her while she was trying to eat.”
I shrugged.
I would fucking do it again.
Catalina had better prepare herself. I had a fucking big appetite and I had feeling it wasn’t going to go away with just a taste.
* * *
Catalina clutchedmy arm with one hand as we walked out of the hotel room. In her other hand, she was holding her notebook.
I didn’t know why. I wasn’t going to let anyone talk to her.
I was already feeling explosive, and if any fucker—man or woman—even looked at her the wrong way, I would fucking kill before I asked questions.
“You okay, princess?” I asked her when I felt her tense. She looked up at me with those doe eyes of hers, making my heart feel like it was being squeezed from the inside with an iron fist.
I rubbed my chest and she followed the movement with her eyes before she nodded, offering a small smile that I felt all the way down to my gut.
“Good. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
She tilted her head to the side, as if to say,Iwas the thing that happened to her. And if she fucking thought for even a second that I would let her go, she was more naive than I’d expected.
I placed my fingers under her chin, taking her in, before leading us to the room next door.
It was about an hour after Mikhail carried her to the bathroom to clean up.
My hard-on had finally died from being neglected, but her scent was teasing me, and I could feel all the blood rushing down to my cock when she shifted slightly.
What shampoo had Mikhail bought her? It was fucking addictive.
Catalina turned to me, and I realized I had paused in the middle of the hallway, contemplating the kind of shampoo she used.
Fuck. It was distractions like this that got men killed in my world.
I pulled her closer to me, more forcefully than I meant to, and walked straight to the door.
I couldn’t fucking wait to go home. I was feeling too antsy.
Damien still wasn’t back from meeting Gabriel Mendez. New Mexico was his territory, something Agnello fucking hated, but he didn’t have enough manpower to back him up to drive Mendez out, even with his backing from Luis Mendez and the Mexican Cartel.
Gabriel was Luis’s older brother and should have gotten the throne when their old man, Emanuel passed.
The man had earned every bit of his ruthless reputation, but the Mexican Cartel hadn’t been the same since Luis took the helm when he betrayed Gabriel and left him for the dead out in the southern desert of New Mexico.
I knocked on the door impatiently and seconds later, Maxim opened the door.
His sharp eyes took in Catalina, his face expressionless. Catalina moved closer to me, seeking protection.
A fucking part of me loved that.
She nudged her face in my chest.