Page 15 of Born in Depravity

“Come on,” he said. “I don’t know when your father will be home, but I have to be there when he does, otherwise it would raise suspicion.”

Panic rose at the thought of Roberto hurt. He must have seen it in my eyes, because his smile was soft as he gently tapped under my chin. “I’ll be fine, Miss. Everything is going to plan. Don’t worry about me, okay?”

Don’t worry about him? I didn’t know how to not. He had been the only person keeping me sane since my mother died. The only person I had trusted. I didn’t know how to go about in the real world without him. I didn’t know.

I didn’t know.


I just didn’t know.

I grabbed his forearm. I wanted him to come with me.

I opened my mouth to say it. But …

Frustration burned my eyes and clogged my throat.

Nothing came out.

I would beg him if only I could find my voice. Why couldn’t I just find mydamnvoice?

What was wrong with me?

“Shh, it’s okay, Miss,” Roberto said as he pulled me into his arms. I stilled.

When was the last time someone had hugged me like this? When I was nine, when my mom was still alive. I closed my eyes as fresh tears fell through, and I just …

I stood there as he held me to him.

“You’re going to be okay,” he said thickly. Pulling away, I could see his eyes were a little red. He helped me wipe away some of my tears. “You still remember how to drive, right?”

I nodded. I thought so. The last time I had been behind the wheel of a car was when I was sixteen. The only luxury Father had ever given me was the privilege of being taught how to drive.

In case you need to make a quick getaway.

It was preparation for when I would need to run away from danger. The line of work Father was in …

Most of the men who visited us were dangerous men. Men who would have killed my father—and me—if they were given the chance, and they would do so without a hint of remorse.

I supposed it was the only decent thing he had ever done for me. Making sure I could escape should someone come for his head.

But I hadn’t driven in years.

Not when I rarely ever got the chance to leave the house, and when I did, it was with Father.

Roberto nodded, unaware of the panic that was rising in my chest once more. “Good. The safest way out of the state is by car, but it’s a long way to California. And the phone I gave you, it’s only for calling and texting. You’ll have to read a map the old-fashioned way. Remember when I taught you how to read a map?”

I nodded. I remembered. Two years ago, when Father had been on one of his long business trips and had taken Rosie with him. It had been one of the best times of my life, not having to always watch my back in the house.

I had breakfast with Roberto almost every morning, and he had brought down an old-fashioned-looking map with him one time.

A light switch went on in my brain.

My eyes met his, and he smiled a little.

He had been preparing for my eventual escape for years now.

“Good. Head west, Miss.”