“Who?” He looked around.
“Your mother! With my father!”
“What?” He found them in the crowd, and we both stared, speechless, while Gab shamelessly flirted with my daddy. I meanshameless. Hand on her titties, laughing at everything, hand on his thigh, head tilted seductively. Every now and then, she would glance over at me. The last time she looked at me, she winked.
Goddammit. She told me this would happen. She said it herself.
I always win.
“Don’t sweat that,” Kari said. “Just let it be.”
He was right. So I did.
For now.
We got sent off in a cloud of bubbles. Bo opened the doors to the Rolls Royce, and we fell in, half-drunk and full-on silly. And hopelessly in love.
“Where are we going?”
“The hotel.” His words were slurred.
“No, for the honeymoon.”
“Oh. That’s a surprise. But it’s Paris.” He paused and looked around like somebody else had said it. “Fuck. Did I just—”
“Yes!” I grabbed him and hugged him tight. “Paris? You’re really taking me to Paris?”
“Apparently I am.”
Bo laughed. “Damn, boss.”
“Hey Bo, turn the music up.’
“Yes, ma’am.”
Kari frowned. “Why you need the music up?”
I kissed his lips, then sank to my knees on the floor of the Rolls. “I told you I was gonna get my head in the game.”
“Now?” He glanced at Bo. “You don’t have to—”
“Shut up and pull it out.”
“Well, shit.” He fiddled with his pants. “You ain’t gotta tell me twice.”
There it was. My long, thick, chocolate dick. I grabbed it and kissed it passionately, barely able to hear his moans over the music. But that would change, I knew. Sure enough, as soon as I sucked the head in, he got loud.
I took him all the way to the back of my throat, a move that made his hips buck. He fucked my face, his hands in my hair, my name on his tongue. He gave me a warning just before he nutted, and I swallowed it all happily and kept sucking until he begged me to stop.
His last surprise of the night was on the pillow when we walked into the hotel room. It was a tiara, beautifully adorned with white and pink diamonds.
I squealed as I ran toward it. “Are these real?”
Kari nodded. “Yep. You wanna hear something funny?”
I was already trying to get it to balance on my head.
“My mama said this to me like a month ago. She was like, ‘I’ma look up one day and the bitch gon’ be the queen.’ And here you are. My queen.”