I frowned at Jakari’s question. “What do you mean?”
“I mean what I said. Other than the fact that I look good, my dick is big, and I pay for shit, why are you here? Cuz my daddy always said a woman needs to feel safe, and this shit right here is the opposite of that, so…why you still here?”
“I guess I’m here because I…wanna be here.”
He grunted, and I felt it reverberate. We were laying in bed, and I had my head on his chest. It was a lazy day, and we were doing absolutely nothing. It was nice.
“I was talking to your aunt last night and I realized me and you have something in common.”
“What’s that?” he said.
“We both stepped up for our families and did what needed to be done. I feel like that was a burden neither one of us wanted, but we did it anyway.”
He didn’t respond to that.
“And our mothers. Our mothers weren’t perfect. They traumatized us. But we love them anyway.”
I felt him nodding.
“Why are you withme?”
“I like you. You’re for real. You loyal. You got heart. You kinda fearless with it. You’re smart, too. And I trust you. I ain’t the kinda nigga that trusts people, but I trust you.”
“Okay.” I smiled. “That’s nice to hear.”
“And to keep it a buck, you got GOAT level pussy.”
“You asked. It ain’t at thetopof the list of why I’m with you, but it damn sure made the list. You got the tightest, wettest, deepest—”
“Stop.” I slapped his chest. “This is a serious conversation. Stop being nasty.”
“In case you didn’t notice, your husband is a nasty nigga. It’s some shit I wanna do to you that would make you run out this room.”
“Try me.”
“Oh, word?” He pulled back to look at me, his bottom lip between his teeth. “Lemme find out you nasty, too.”
“I’d be that for you.”
“I know you would. See, that’s what I’m talking about.” He grabbed my hand and held in against his chest, right on top of his heart. “I don’t think I ever been in love for real, but I wanna be that. I wanna feel that. With you.”
“It’ll happen when it’s supposed to.”
“Yeah. It ain’t no rush. Shit, we already married. It’s kinda dope if you think about it. No pressure. No games. Just two people that’s joined together for forever, if that’s what we want.”
I smiled. “I guess it is kinda dope.”
“You wanna fall in love with me, too, Malika?”
“Yeah. I do.”