“And the decision was made to force you out and make sure you didn’t come back on us.” He glanced nervously at Eris and Nay. “We were gonna take somebody close to you. And…”
“And, what?” I got back in his face. “Spit it out!”
He closed his eyes. “Malika. There was a plan—”
I stepped forward and punched him dead in the eye. His head rolled to the left, then the right, and he let out a quiet moan.
“What about Malika?” I yelled. I could hear the panic in my voice. “Tell me!”
Prez slumped in the chair. His eye was already lumping up.
He moaned again, then opened his good eye to look at me. “It’s supposed to go down today. If you know where she is right now—”
I didn’t hear shit else he said. I was already running to the car.