“I get that.”

“So then you can understand why I reacted the way I did to the news of your…nuptials.”

“I guess. But whatever happened, it wasn’t Jakari’s fault,” I rushed out, feeling defensive. “He couldn’t control his parents any more than I could control mine.”

He raised a suspicious eyebrow. “And now that you know, what are you gonna do about it?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t plan to stay married, do you? That family is bad news, Mal.”

“Jakari isn’t.”

He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Alright, listen. Your grandma used to say all families have souls, and those souls are passed from generation to generation. Some have loving souls. Some have kind souls. Some have strong souls, fighter souls.” He took a deep breath. “That family has anuglysoul. No conscience, no morality, no love. Just ugliness.”

Not Jakari, I thought, although it did make me wonder what kind of person could kill two people and…not really feel bad about it. And what did it say about me thatIwasn’t bothered by it, either? I mean, one murder was about defending his brother. Understandable. And the second one was clearly self-defense. So no, Jakari wasn’t evil, and his soul wasn’t ugly. Not like his parents.

If I was the sum ofmyparents, I’d be an addict who didn’t protect my children because I’d rather have the money.

What did that say aboutmyfamily’s soul?

But all I said was, “I love you, daddy. I’m glad you told me.”

“Me too. But please consider what I said. I’m worried about you.”

Join the club.

After our talk, I showered and dressed in my jeans and Sliders t-shirt. I had to be at the bar in an hour. I’m not sure why I was still working, actually. For the first time in my life, money wasn’t a concern. I had it, or hadaccessto it, at least. I could finally rest. Live the soft life the Tik Tok girls always talk about.

But I couldn’t do it. Something down inside of me was urging me to keep working. To hold onto a little piece of independence. Because somewhere in the corners of my mind, I knew I couldn’t fully trust any man.

Because they always let you down.

There was a knock on the door. I made my way across the apartment and opened it to find several boxes stacked up in the hallway. Severalprettyboxes.

I smiled.

After I lugged them into the apartment, I planted my butt on the floor and tore through each one like a kid on Christmas day.

The Louboutins I wanted. The Fendigraphy. The Prada Cleo. The Alaia dress I saw when I was with Jaz. A Cartier bracelet. Three pairs of sunglasses; Gucci, Chanel, Marc Jacobs. A brand new MacBook.

The last box made me laugh. Sex toys.

I sat in my pile of beautiful things and flashed back to Dionne’s words to me.

You’re still that lonely, dirty girl from high school.

I smiled at my stuff. Not anymore, I wasn't.

I grabbed my phone and texted my husband.

Thank you, Jakari.

Then I called out sick and spent the rest of the night playing with my new toys. All of them.