“Okay, and? We’re even.”

My eyes narrowed. “What’d you do, Jaz? Spell it out.”

“He cheated on me, I cheated back, and now we’re even, so none of it counts.”

Eris laughed. “Okay, let me give you some advice.”

“Why would I take advice from you?” she snapped. “You’re single and alone.”

I snickered.

“At least Kari is married,” she continued.

“Yeah, but that don’t mean I know what the fuck I’m doing.” I sighed. “Things ain’t good, Jaz. That’s why I’m living here at the moment.”

“What you do to my sis?” She pursed her lips, and I was glad to see the attitude back. It was better than seeing her sad.

“Oh, that’s your sis now?" I leaned in closer. "Okay, sis, Idohave some advice. Don’t be taking my wife to the club and getting her fucked up.”

“Malika’s a grown ass woman." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Ya wife came to the club and got fucked up cuz she wanted to. And I got some advice for you, too, nigga. If you want her home, give her a reason to be home. If not, shut the fuck up.”

Eris snickered. “See, sometimes Jaz do be makin’ sense.”

“Whatever.” I turned back to her. “Where y’all goin’ on Friday, huh? Where you draggin’ my wife to this time?”

She laughed. “She wants to go back to Atlanta Nights, so that’s what we’re doing. And you ain’t invited.”

“So that’s where y’all went." I rubbed my chin. "What she like about it?”

She shrugged and hummedI don’t know.

“Anybody tried to holler at her?”

Jaz screwed her face up. “Why the fuck do you care? Just cuz y’all married don’t mean she can’t flirt with niggas at the club.”

“That’s exactly what that means, Jazlyn.”

“Oh my God,” Eris laughed. “Jaz.”

“Okay, whatever. I’m bored.” She picked up her phone, then changed her mind and set it back down. “Have you even tried to make up with her?”

I shook my head. “It ain’t that simple.”

“It really is. Pretend like you understand all her little feelings and whatnot, say you’re sorry, and then buy her something pretty.”

That was the problem, though. Ididunderstand her feelings. Me understanding her feelings was why I was leaving her the fuck alone. She probably couldn’t even stand to look at me right now, other than when she wanted dick. So I was giving her space. I wasn’t tryna push her away even more.

But I said, “Okay, Jaz. I’ll try it your way,” because it couldn’t hurt to buy her something pretty and send it to her.

“What’s she into these days?” I said. “She told you about anything she has her eye on?”

“I know she wants these red bottoms we saw when we went to Phipps a while back.” She rolled her eyes. “She wouldn’t buy 'em cuz she ain't wanna take advantage of you or something. So stupid.”

“Send me a pic.”

“Mm hm.” She was bored again and into her phone.

Man. I ain’t never had to work this hard. At anything, really, but especially women. But it was my fault, so I was gon’ do what I had to do.

After Jaz left, I went to my room and called Joe. Business was business, and we had work to do. A plan was in motion, and when all was said and done, my uncle wouldn’t be a problem anymore. But it had to go smooth. No fuckups, no mistakes, no escapes.

After Joe, Malika.

I got on my laptop and got to work.