All that was fine, because I wasn’t here for the ambiance.
I undressed quickly and got under the covers, nestling myself in sheets that smelled like Snuggle fabric softener. I heard his heavy footsteps coming down the hall, and then he was walking through the door, his eyes narrowing when he saw me.
“What are you—”
“Shhhh.” I held a finger to my lips.
A brief flash of surprise covered his face before he turned to close the door behind him. And lock it.
We were on the same page.
His eyes locked on mine as he raised his shirt. Once it was off, he tossed it aside and unbuckled is belt. I stared hungrily, like I was watching a chef prepare my first meal after a fast. And once that dick popped out, my mouth filled with saliva.
He stalked toward me and climbed in, settling next to me under the covers and waiting for me to make a move.
The only move I made, the only move I ever needed to make, was to spread my legs for him.
He rolled on top of me and captured my mouth, stealing my breath as his dick slid inside me. I held onto his muscular back for dear life as he fucked all the sadness out of me. He fucked everything out of me, really. Thoughts, fears, cares. Nothing mattered now but me, and him, and how good we felt when we were joined like this.
No words, just moans. Groans. Sighs.
The tension built and built until I exploded, and the only sensation that existed was throbbing pleasure that radiated from my pussy to my soul. I shed tears. I cried out. I raked my nails over his sweaty skin and felt him explode inside me. Our bodies pulsed and vibrated together, our lungs expanded together, our hearts beat together. We were one.
Nothing in this world would ever compare.
He buried his face in my neck. Both of us were trembling.
I stilled my hands, resting them on his back. He sighed against my skin, then he kissed my neck. I turned my head to give him more access, but he didn’t kiss me again. Instead, he put his hand there, and traced soft lines in my skin. It was soothing. My eyes fluttered shut and I think I fell asleep.
When I opened my eyes again, he was on his back next to me. I felt cold, wet, and sticky down below, but I didn’t feel like moving.
“Where are we at on my mother’s grave?”
He turned to look at me. I kept my eyes fixed to the ceiling.
“About that…do you want her…her actual remains moved? Or can it just be a marker?”
“I want her moved to a cemetery and buried with respect.”
“Okay, yeah. Whatever you want.” He was quiet for a minute. “What does this mean, Malika?”
I sat up and stretched, then found my clothes and put them on. I was a mess down there, but I didn’t want to stay here another minute.
Kari watched me expectantly, but I waited until I was walking out the door to say, “Nothing.”