“He’s scared, Claire,” Rainbow said finally. “This hasn't worked out the way he planned. He’s an older warlock. He’s seen lots of people go through the courtship and mating bond ritual. And given how it all went down…”
She trailed off, waiting for me to object. How did she know all this stuff? When I said nothing, she continued.
“It’s going to take him a while to adjust. To believe it’s all really happening. Like how Gabriel was with Harper.”
All of witchkind in Mystic Springs knew about the witch who hadn’t known she was a witch, Harper Booth. Not even her mate, Gabriel Winters, had realized what she was. Only that he was crazy about her. I knew that the situation had been fraught with angst, but I still couldn’t help but look at Harper with a bit of envy.
“And speaking of, I need to get to the hospital,” Rainbow said, popping up. “Stay here as long as you want. I don’t mind having someone to chat with when I get back. Though I suspect you’ll be wanting to get back to your warlock.”
Standing, I shook my head. “No, I just came by to…”
I stopped, realizing how selfish that sounded. “I should stop by more often.”
“Really, Claire. It’s cool. Don’t you realize I live for drama? Go to your warlock. Right now, Harper’s in labor. I want to be there after the baby is born. See? Always here for the drama.”
I laughed as I walked toward the door. Rainbow had such a love of life. It was almost infectious. Just not make-me-forget-all-my problems infectious.
“You’ll see. This will all work out,” Rainbow said, following behind me. “This bonding and mating stuff, it can be weird sometimes. But it always works out in the end, especially when it’s meant to. And I’m convinced that, with you two, your pairing is destined.”
Nodding, I made my way to the car, wishing like hell that I felt as confident about the situation as Rainbow did.