Chapter Eleven
I’d considered going home after the book club meeting, but the thought of being home alone with all the thoughts that were rambling through my head didn’t sit right with me.
At this late hour, there were usually only a couple of people at the Witch Gazette. Farrah Mayo was usually popping gum and paying attention to no one as she readied the layout for the next day’s edition. Paul Talbot was too busy getting everything ready to go to print.
It was the type of place that felt lonely without actually being so.
Sitting at my desk, I went over the copious notes I’d made about Darla’s disappearance. Whoever had taken her to the lodge, she’d trusted them. The question hovered in my mind why they would even bother to take her to the heat lodge.
The only explanation I could come up with was that Darla had trusted the person she was with, and they had expected her to follow through with a bond. When she hadn’t, the warlock who had tried to force her had called in his own reinforcements.
My stomach churned as I thought of what might happen to Darla. Being in heat, she was no doubt in pain. Witches could be convinced to do some pretty crazy stuff during a heat. Taking on a bond, however, was something most of us only did when we were absolutely certain it was the right thing for us.
Darla had apparently decided that whoever she was with wasn’t the right thing for her.
Which meant they had likely taken her from the heat lodge and filled her up with drugs, forcing the bond on her. Hopefully, we could find some way to release the bond if that had happened.
Never had I wanted to release my bond with Jack. I wondered if I was unfair to even think that. As far as I knew, there were no foolproof ways to break a bond, but the idea of being released from that bond made me feel sick. As it was, I clung to what little I got from Jack. I’d never gotten the strong connection with him I would have gotten had we completed the bonding.
Even so, there was a connection. And right now, I felt that connection.
Sometimes, I sensed the hint of irritation, likely from something that had happened when he was out on patrol. Other times, I felt pride, perhaps in a job well done. The feelings ranged from fleeting to strong. It typically depended on how strongly Jack felt that emotion.
Now, I was feeling something else entirely. Intense, blinding arousal hit me hard and fast. Squirming against my seat, I tried to close my eyes against the flood of images that popped into my mind. I could see him, perhaps sprawled along his bed, all long limbs and tense muscles, as his cock stood hard and aching for his touch.
I clenched my thighs. It wasn’t the first time I’d felt Jack bring himself to completion from across town. The mental images were always the same: him alone, getting off, moans, grunts, and his face of relief as he spilled himself onto his stomach.
Because I couldn’t bear to think of him with another, I never imagined him with anyone else. I always felt like I would know if he was with someone else. Wouldn’t I?
The other thing that always happened when I felt these moments of release from Jack was that I couldn’t help but journey along with him. Looking around, I gripped the edges of my desk as I took in those around me. Paul was still working on the next day’s edition. He was at least 800 years old and had been with his same partner, a devastatingly handsome warlock, for the past 100 or so years if the stories I’d heard were true. Normally, I might seek him out for a bit of conversation on nights like this. I was always game for his tales of being in love with a warlock while navigating a world that hated both witchkind and gay men.
For now, however, I hoped he would remain in his office. Farrah was nowhere to be seen. I could try to rush to the bathroom as this feeling took over me, but I could feel it. Could feel Jack. He was so damned close.
I bit my lip, lest I moaned out loud, as the walls tightened inside my pussy. There were many times I was glad that I went to the trouble of reinforcing my suppression spells and now was chief among those times. Because something like this would have sent me straight into a heat frenzy otherwise.
Atop my desk, the police scanner’s low static and occasional chatter seemed especially loud as wetness pooled between my thighs.
Come on, Jack. Come for me. If I can’t be there with you, I’ll have to let this be the next best thing.
It hit me hard and fast. So hard that I nearly cried out and caught myself just in time. My pussy vibrated and sang with its orgasm. I came with Jack, some ten miles away. And the orgasm was so fierce that I felt a wave of exhaustion hit me immediately after.
My thought was always the same: if he could elicit this response from me halfway across town, imagine what it would feel like if he were deep inside me.
My hands eased away from the death grip they’d had on my desk. I sighed, leaning back in the chair. A glance to my side showed me that Paul was still completely unaware of the orgasming witch in the bullpen. Wherever Farrah was, it was nowhere in sight. Looking up at the ceiling, I imagined Jack, prone and flushed, panting. In these fantasies, he was always thinking of me.
There was still a part of me that held hope that wasn’t merely a fantasy.
“Hey, 422, you anywhere close to the Tarkington place?” a staticky voice called out over the police scanner.
Over the years, I’d become used to the inane chatter that usually emanated from the scanner at night when I bothered to come into the paper.
For a moment, no one replied to the dispatcher, and then finally, a male voice called back, “About two miles out. What do you need?”
After another pause and then the line squawked as the dispatcher came back on the line. “We just got a call from someone out there saying there’s some trees on fire. Small, but could wind up being significant. Fire crew’s already been dispatched, but thought you could check it out just in case. Someone said they saw lightning, but I just checked the weather reports and didn’t see anything about a storm in the area.”
My post impromptu orgasm high morphed into a curious buzz. Lightning where there had been no evidence of a storm.