She stalled, as if thinking that she might do better to keep in whatever she was about to say, but she just shook her head.
“I have a kind of sixth sense when it comes to mating bonds.” Rainbow’s expression was tight. Painful. It was one I recognized, though I didn’t know if her reasons were the same as my own. Had she been rejected, too?
I didn’t have the nerve to ask her, though.
“I don’t know why Jack is rejecting your bond, but I feel like he’ll come around.”
“Not when he’s too busy rutting Lana Rogers.”
It was Rainbow’s turn to snort. “Lana is full of herself. I don’t buy for a second that Jack is her true mate. Expert on mating bonds, remember?”
I wanted to snuggle into Rainbow’s words. Believe that Jack would come around, but I was too bruised to believe such a thing.
“It’s been eight years, Rainbow.”
For perhaps the first time since I’d first known her, Rainbow looked truly shocked. “Eight years? I didn’t realize it had been that long.”
Rainbow’s face contorted with the knowledge that she’d somehow gotten the information wrong. Given her reputation as an expert on all things Mystic Springs gossip, I didn’t doubt that she felt that she’d missed the mark on this one.
I shrugged. Shrugged as if it didn’t matter when it felt like every little hope I’d held onto with Jack Beaumont was crumbling down around me.
“What’s the deal with you and Sebastian?” I asked, not wanting to think about it any longer. If I did, I’d never be able to go back inside and face those witches.
“There is no deal with me and Sebastian,” Rainbow said a little more curtly than I suspected she’d meant to. “The deal is, he’s an asshole. He feels like I’m encroaching on his territory by knowing as much as I do about what’s going on in Mystic Springs. But trust me, whatever I know is child’s play next to the things he knows.”
We’d all heard that Sebastian was routinely found where things went a little sketchy in Mystic Springs. Somehow, however, he wasn’t anywhere around when any of the kidnappings had taken place. I sensed that part of the reason he was so adamant about finding out what was going on was that his ego was a little bruised. I didn’t think he would be involved, but Sebastian liked control.
And I might not be the expert on witch and warlock relations that Rainbow was, but I suspected there was more to Rainbow’s annoyance with Sebastian than just the fact that he could sometimes be a bit of a bully with her.
“I guess we’ll just be old single crones and eat cheesecake together at our fake book club meetings,” I said finally.
Rainbow laughed. “If I had a slice of cheesecake right now, I’d toast to that.”
“To being old, bitchy witches who don’t need a damn warlock,” I said, raising my imaginary plate her way.
Too bad I couldn’t convince my heart that I believed that.