Had the situation not been so dire, I might have laughed at how petulant the warlock sounded.
If I could just borrow a couple of more minutes, enough to round up that dark magic within, he would sound a lot more than petulant. I could feel the anger brewing in my veins. I raised my head, intent on finishing the job that I hadn’t been able to finish last time.
Before I could, a firm voice sounded throughout the room.
“She’s not presenting for you because she’s mine.”
A hundred emotions flooded through me all at once. Relief. Worry. Fear. Heat. Love. Joy. All of those emotions came at me so suddenly that I was nearly sick with the rollercoaster of it all.
Then, a flurry of movement erupted before me. I heard the snap of Barlow’s neck above me and felt the floor shutter beneath me as he fell to his knees and toppled over.
I turned away as I saw Barlow’s placid dick peeking from the fly of his pants. I watched as Sven hightailed it out of the cabin, his feet slapping so hard against the floor that the bed shook next to me. Looking up at Jack, I saw he was struggling with whether to go after Sven or come to me.
He chose me.
Jack knelt before me, brushing the hair from my face in a move so tender and sweet that I wondered if I was dreaming. Everything around me was just a little off, a little out of focus. I’d heard them say that this drug was different and had a shorter reaction time, but right now, I was still running on pure adrenaline.
Reluctantly, Jack moved away from me and began to work through Darla’s restraints. As he did, I made my way over to the discarded syringe. Snapping off the needle, I pocketed the barrel of the syringe.
“Where’s Taryn?” I asked Jack as he helped Darla to her feet.
“I ran into her on my way here. Hopefully, she’ll be in the patrol car hiding.”
I wasn’t too worried about Sven attempting to grab her. That wasn’t his MO. Once he was running, he was gone.
“Can you walk?” Jack asked.
I nodded. “I’ll be fine. Let’s just get out of here.”