Page 43 of Knot His Type

“And why would I want to do that, Jack?” There was an edge to her voice. It was an edge that should have served as a warning. If I wanted her happy, I should stop.

But maybe if I pissed her off enough, she would let me take the hit and she could go on and live her life as she was meant to.

“All you’ve done over the past eight years is obsess over what happened that night, Claire. Nothing good came of that night. What happened to you has been nothing but trouble for you ever since.”

Emotions warred on Claire’s face. First, there was shock. Then sadness, followed by hurt. Finally, her features settled on anger. Perhaps if she got angry enough, she’d burn me to a crisp and free both of us.

Right now, however, the hurt from her was so strong, I swore it had grown fingers and grabbed me by the throat.

“You’re right,” she said. Her voice was bitter and hurt.

“Perhaps when we get these girls safe and I find the man who got away that night, I’ll get the fuck out of Mystic Springs,” she said.

She turned away from me, staring out the dashboard window.

“You’ll never have to deal with me again,” she continued. “I’ll no longer be a burden you feel you are constantly obligated to watch over. Maybe I’ll even go somewhere overseas. Somewhere you can only get to by plane. Gods knows you’d never board one of those for anyone. At least I’d never have to look for you in every corner.”

Every bone in my body wanted to protest the things that she was saying. To tell her she was wrong. That I wanted nothing more than to keep her with me forever. To protect her and watch over her.

But that wasn’t good enough for her. She deserved the romance of truly finding a mate. She deserved better than to present to someone under duress in a musty old cabin before a tattered old bed.

But there was no way I could tell her that. I could never let her know the truth. That I wanted her and needed her and the only reason I hadn’t completed the bond was that I knew she couldn’t stay mine. Because having her and losing her? That would destroy us both.

So I pushed back all those feelings.

“There’s nothing to be found here, Claire,” I said, swallowing against the lump in my throat. Swallowing all the words I wanted to say. “They’re gone or they’re so well hidden that we won’t find them tonight.

“Better to get someone out here who knows what they’re doing. And see if we can find a way through this glamour around here, whatever this place may be.”

I looked over at her. Her jaw was clenched tight. Anger was pouring off her in waves, and worse than that, hurt.

I tried to tell myself that if she could get angry enough with me, it might finally break the ties that held her to me and she’d be free. Finally able to choose the life she actually wanted.

Even if I was cursed with wanting her forever.