Page 87 of Ours



I openmy eyes to Helen sitting in front of me, patiently waiting on me.

“How’d it go?” she asks me. “You were in there for quite some time.”

“It went well,” I answer her, nodding. “Alana and Megan talked about a few misunderstandings they have. Both of them are strong in my head at the moment, so I’m taking that as a good thing. Neither of them have ever been around when I’m in charge, so it seems they’ve both decided to communicate more.”

I’m willing to try,Megan’s soft voice says.

You say that like I’m not,Alana barks.Get to the point, Veronica.

I nod after they both confirm my statement. “Yeah, they’re going to communicate more.”

Dr. Lyce nods as she scribbles on her notepad, and as she writes, she says, “Okay, that’s good to hear. That certainly is a step in the right direction.” When she’s done writing, I’m her focal point. “Let’s get straight to it then. Why am I speaking to you at the moment instead of Alana?”

“Yes, actually,” I confirm. “Is it okay if I bring Joshua up?”

“This is your session now,” she tells me, rising from her seat. “If at any point you want him to leave again, we can have him go back into the waiting room.”

She walks over towards her door and steps out to call for Blue. A few seconds later, Dr. Lyce comes back in, and while she’s getting situated at her desk again, Blue enters. He finds me on the couch as he shuts the door, and recognition lights his eyes up. I give him a small smile and a nod letting him know that yes, he’s right it’s me.

He sits down beside me, and his nerves are apparent. His hands are clasped together, and one of his knees bounces up and down.

I reach over to place my hand on it to reassure him that everything’s alright. He has nothing to be worried about.

“The girls and I are trying to get on the same page, and we’re not exactly there, but we’re making progress,” I start, and she nods. “I’ve come to the conclusion that Alana should be with Ian, and I won’t interfere with that.”

Her expression remains unreadable, and I have no idea what she’s thinking about the conclusion we all came to, but it doesn’t seem like it’s much of a shock to her.

“How does Megan feel about this, especially in the event that the baby is Kameron’s?” she asks.

“She’s not sold on the idea, but we’ll place the issue on hiatus until paternity is found out. I believe things will be easier to navigate one way or the other once we know for sure.”

“Do you believe that’s going to be an issue?” she questions further.

I shake my head. “I believe that when we have a clear notion of this child's father, it will make things easier for everyone. Hopefully.”

Dr. Lyce writes on her pad, and I keep going in my explanation.

“The reason I’m here, Dr. Lyce, is because I’d like to have one night with Joshua.” Her writing stops suddenly, and she glances up from her pad at us. She puts her pencil down, making it clear that she’s all ears. “I’ve already talked it over with Alana and Megan, and they agreed. However, Alana only gives her blessing if Ian says yes.”

“I see.” She says slowly before turning her attention to Blue. “And what are your thoughts on this?”

His hand goes up to his lip ring and begins to twist it, contemplating his answer.

“I have feelings for Veronica,” he tells her. “But I’m only going through with it if everyone is okay with it. But I want to make her happy. It’s just that I can’t lie to everyone anymore. I’ve done enough of that.”

“You’re also close with Ian?” Dr. Lyce questions.

Blue hesitates before he says, “We’re cousins.”

That gets a little more emotion to register; her eyebrows raise just a little bit, her eyes grow, and her chest rises just a little.

“Yes, I can see how that would definitely stir up some trouble,” she states as she regains herself. “But the two of you seem to be aware of the complications that come with this. One of my concerns is if Ian agrees to this, will the two of you be able to walk away. Sex is a bonding act, and the two of you already have strong feelings for each other. Will you be able to let each other go?”

Her question raises an issue I hadn’t thought about. I look over at Blue, whose sad smile makes my chest ache.