Page 83 of Ours

“Of course, I care about her! She takes charge of my body sometimes!” I tell her, crossing my arms. “I can’t just sit back and let her get hurt.”

“Listening to you talk for this short period of time tells me something different, Alana. You don’t want to admit to caring for her even though you do,” she calls me out. “But you said something else; why does her choice to live a normal life aggravate you so much?”

I hold her gaze for a moment as I think about my answer.

“Because life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows like she thinks, and she won’t be able to handle reality when it smacks her in the face. Just look at this shit with Kam.”

“Talking to her might be a lot easier if you admit that you don’t hate her. And who’s making you continue to be her ‘savior’? It’s a position you fell into and one you continue to hold. Megan can’t learn if you bail her out every time things get rough.”

“It’s hard not to take over when she starts panicking,” I counter. “She’s a nervous wreck most of the time, and when it comes time to defend herself, it’s like she forgets how to even breathe right.

“If you’re there to handle the tough parts of life, it’s only natural that she’d be ill-equipped when it comes down to it.” She pauses for a moment, and I recognize the truth in her words in this brief silence. “Have you ever tried talking to her? Maybe the two of you can find some common ground. ”

“What do you suggest I do?” I question her. “She’s not going to listen to me. She never has.”

“Well, I think she might now, after what you’ve been through because of her boyfriend.”

I stare at her for a moment before I ask her, “So then how do I talk to her if she won’t answer me when I call out to her?”

“We tried it before,” she tells me. “Hypnosis. Do you remember?”

I scoff. “I remember it didn’t work.”

“Probably because we tried to contact you during a time when you didn’t want to be bothered. We might stand a chance at getting through to Megan.”

I sit here for a moment, thinking about it. I do have some words to settle with her, and at the end of the day, this is all for our baby.

“Fine,” I say. “I’ll try it.”

She nods her head, happy I came to this decision.

“Are you able to sense either of them right now?” she asks me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

“Not Megan, but Veronica’s faint,” I tell her when I open them again.

“That's a good start,” she nods. “At least you’re on the same page with one. Now you have to work on the other.”

“What do I have to do for this to work?” I ask, becoming just a bit nervous now.

“Just sit back, relax and listen to my voice. As you do, picture a meeting spot for the three of you. Then call out to them once you’re there. Easy enough, right?”

“I guess,” I say, leaning back into my seat and closing my eyes.

“Are you ready?” she questions.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Then, she starts telling me to breathe.

I do.