Page 70 of Ours



It’s beena few hours since Kameron left the room, a distraught little puppy with his tail between his legs. He should’ve checked in on me by now to see if I need anything, even just water, but he hasn’t done that at all today. And what’s more, he dropped a different bag of snacks off that’s full of a variety of shit that isn’t in my box, but I don’t want any of that shit.

I want out of this room.

I pace the floor in front of the bed, barely able to contain myself as I try to stay calm and fight a headache, but it’s not working. Both Veronica and Megan have found their ways back out. Veronica re-tied the severed string the moment I started to panic, and Megan’s been out since her piece of shit fiance came in here. I’m glad she got to witness her boyfriend being shit, but I’d much rather she tuck herself back into the depths she usually hides in. Her presence only makes me angrier, and I do not need that right now.

Being stuck in this room was bad enough. But being confined to this room with no knowledge of whether or not anyone else is out there is terrifying. As much as I hate him, he’s my only way to the outside world, and if he left and something happened to him, then I’m fucked. Those snacks can only last so long, and I already know the window is indestructible, so if Kam doesn’t come back, then this is going to be a long, slow, shitty way to go. Kam rented this place out until after the baby is born, and since he sent all the workers packing, mine and the baby’s decaying bodies won’t be found for months.

Don’t think like that. Gosh, when did you get so morbid!He’s coming back,Veronica tries to comfort me, and I bite down so hard on my back teeth I swear they’re going to shatter.

You’re spiraling now,Veronica says.Please, stand still and take a breath.

I’ll take a deep breath when he opens that door, and I can punch him in the face.

Alana.I freeze in my tracks. It’s not Veronica’s voice coming to me. It’sher.Fucking Megan speaking to me for the first time ever.

Kam wouldn’t just leave us here. Please calm down, for the baby.

A chuckle that doesn't even sound like mine escapes me as I’m struck by her audacity.

No bitch! You don’t get to say what Kam would or wouldn’t do. I don’t even want to hear you right now! You got that?

Alana,Veronica says softly.That’s not called for.

I’m sorry,Megan snivels.

I don’t want your weak apology!I snarl.That’s not gonna get us out of here. Now both of you need to shut the fuck up so I can come up with a way to get out.

Let us help you,Veronica pleads.You’re only going to panic more working on your own.

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!I yell at her, squeezing my eyes shut against the pounding in my head, and I’m about to fucking lose it.Let me think!

She doesn’t say anything, but it turns out, that wasn’t my dilemma. My mind is racing with thoughts of never getting out of this room and dying here. I can’t stop them all from bombarding me either.

I’m about to let out the scream that’s been building since the first day Kam locked me in this room when the door knob jiggles. I stop in my tracks, and all my energy is directed toward it.

As the door opens, I’m prepared to lay into Kam, every vile name I know on my tongue, ready to tear apart his worthless little existence. Then a familiar face appears in the doorway, and I feel like I can cry. Relief washes over me, and I actually feel tears running down my face as I stare wide-eyed at Cal and Dexter Jr.’s stunned faces.

I blink a few times, convinced I’m seeing shit. They’re here? Cal and Dexter Jr. are both standing in the doorway, and I can’t believe it. This entire time, I never once thought about whether or not they’d be looking for me or if they were even worried about where I could be. They never crossed my mind. I’m not used to having people looking out for me and standing behind me, but here they are. Even when I found out about them, I was sure I didn’t need them since I’d come this far without them. But now, as I stand here staring at their relieved faces, I can’t stop the river of tears falling down my cheeks, and I’m glad to see them.

I don’t say anything. All the tension leaves my body, and the weight that’s been on my chest disappears as I move over to them.

I’m not sure what comes over me, but when I get there, I wrap my arms around Cal's neck and bury my head under his chin, and then my body gives out.