Page 6 of Ours

“No. Richie Rich wouldn’t be letting her pay her own phone bill, and if that were it, then she would have already turned it back on by now.”

He stares at me before he says, “You think Kam cut it off?”

I don’t answer him. My stare should be enough to let him know that’s exactly what I’m thinking. Blue shakes his head.

“That’s not like him,” he tells me, his eyebrows furrowing.

“Yeah?” I bite out. “You have no idea what someone is capable of until they show you. He knew about Veronica, didn’t he?”

Blue nods. “Megan told him about her, and he wasn’t all too thrilled at the news. What does she have to do with him?”

I let out a deep sigh at his words as the unease in the pit of my stomach only grows.

“Everything. I know you say it’s not like him, but you only knew him for however long it was that you dated Katie,” I tell him. “Who, I might point out, you didn’t think would cheat on you. I’m not trying to rub it in, but you thought you knew her.”

Blue only stares at me, waiting on me to get where I’m going with bringing up his cheating ex, so I continue.

“Think about it, Blue. He could barely handle the idea of Alana being around, and now there’s Veronica. How well do you think he’s handling that? He tried to pay me off so I’d leave her alone, man, and now there’s a third one that seems to like you for some weird ass reason. None of this would be making me warm up to all of this?” I have to push my disdain down at the thought of Megan rolling around in the sheets with Blue.

His face remains stone hard as he thinks about what I just said before he answers.

“He hasn’t gotten a grasp on her condition yet and that she’s not three different people,” Blue says exactly what I thought he would.

“He’s scared, man,” I say, trying to get him to realize Kam’s emotional state. “Megan’s who he’s after, and dealing with two other…personalities or alters takes her away from him. And he knows staying here would be hard to keep her to himself if, one, the baby isn’t his and two, if the two of us are near. The last time Megan ran, she left a note. She wouldn’t have just left without letting me know, and as much as I loathe saying this, but, Blue, any of them would have already contacted you by now if they could have.”

Blue stares at me for a moment as my words sink in, but he shakes his head.

“No, dude. Kam wouldn’t just take her.” His voice doesn’t sound like he’s too convinced with his own statement. “He’s in love, not psychotic. I like Megan, but the girl is hella wishy-washy sometimes. Maybe Kam convinced her to take off with him again. Maybe, just maybe, he made her see that leaving was a better option.”

“Look, Blue,” I say sternly, trying to get him to see my point. “Megan’s phone is off, Kam won’t answer his, and nobody has heard from either of them for a few days. And above all else, Megan would have left a note, and if she’s stranded somewhere, one of them would have contacted you. Something’s off with this entire situation, and I think we both know what it is.”

He opens his mouth to respond, probably getting ready to defend that piece of shit, Kam, but my phone rings and kills the conversation. It’s not even done ringing once before I pick it up, see Cal’s name, and I answer.


“We found something,” he tells me, and I don’t even care that he interrupted me.

I’m all ears to whatever it is he’s about to tell me.