Page 69 of Ours



My eyes are fixatedon the punching bag in front of me, and I’m going at it like I’m fighting for my life. Music blares in my headphones, and I ignore everyone around me as I lay into the heavyweight bag I chose for my stress relief today. I’m sweating buckets, and my body is worn out, but I keep going. I don’t want to stop. The second I do, I will be tossed right back into that downward spiral I can’t get out of, and that’s not good for anyone. I can’t be around anyone because I’m too on edge, but it’s hard as fuck being alone because that’s when my thoughts really take flight.

This boxing gym has been a good outlet for the past three days. It’s keeping my mind busy, and I’m letting out an ass of pent-up rage and worry that would otherwise consume me. And since I can’t kick Kameron's ass wherever the fuck he is right now, imaging this punching bag is him has been working. For three days, I’ve come here so I can beat the absolute shit out of something, and I’m glad I have been. I don’t know if my fists can take connecting with the shower wall anymore.

None of the P.I’s Megan’s brothers hired have come up with anything. Their airport security camera search is basically going nowhere. His parents still don’t know where the hell he is, and waiting for them to come back on their own only makes this all worse every day when they don’t show back up. Wearing myself out, going at the punching back is the only thing that’s kept me sane the past few days. I might keep this up afterward. I forgot how good this feels.

I invited Blue to come along. I’m sure he’s been holding back his own shit, but he had something else going on. I’m sure I heard Hilary in the background, but I didn’t press. If he’s sneaking around with her again, then so be it. That’s one less person on Megan when she gets back. It would have been good to have him here, but I’m fine working out by myself all the same.

I go at the bag until my arms get too tired to even hold up anymore. I look at the clock, and I’ve been here for an hour and a half when I only meant to be here for forty-five minutes.

Fuck,I think as I wipe my face with my towel.I guess I needed it today.

In the locker room, I’m getting my stuff out of my locker, ready to go, when my music fades out, and my ringtone starts blaring in my ears. Cal’s name is on the screen, and I answer immediately, already prepared for the bad news he’s going to be telling me today.

“Yeah,” I breathe into the phone, bracing myself.

I don’t take my hand wraps off just in case I need to put them back on after Cal delivers more bullshit to me.

“They’re in Cancun,” he informs me, and my heart slams hard against my sternum.

Relief surges through me, and for the first time in almost two weeks, I feel the world start spinning again. The colors around me regain their vibrancy, and I can breathe easier. Thank fuck she’s finally been found. I don’t know how much longer I would have been able to take it.

“Cancun? How’d you find them?”

“We didn’t. He sent me a fucking message a few minutes ago. I’ll read it to you.” Cal’s tone is more pissed off than it normally is, and I know the message he’s about to read to me is going to make me go right back to the bag. “It says:First, I want to say I know everyone’s been worried, but Megan and the baby are okay. I would never put either of them in harm's way, and I’d never intentionally cause her any grief. But without realizing it, I did anyway. I know it’s difficult to understand my intentions and will see what I did as extreme or excessive, but I still believe I did the right thing.”

As Cal reads the last part of that sentence, I shut my eyes against the anger welling up inside me. I know what’s about to come next is about to be some bullshit.

“I wanted to give Megan a calming atmosphere and comfortable environment where we could bond as we start our family,” Cal continues. “There were too many outside factors trying to interrupt the life we had. I still believe my decision to get her away from all of that was the right one. However, Megan didn’t believe so, nor did the other parts of her.”

I seethe on the inside, listening to his text. All I’m hearing is he’s so weak and insecure that he was afraid he’d lose Megan if they stayed here. What a fucking pussy.

“So Megan transitioned?” I interrupt him, automatically knowing he’s referring to Alana.

“That’s what it sounds like. But that’s not even the best part,” he says sarcastically. “Listen to this. He says:although I stand by my decision, I do regret choosing to stay when it was no longer Megan that was with me. I don’t expect anyone to agree with my actions, nor do I need anyone to. All I need is Megan’s forgiveness.”

Cal stops talking, and I’m waiting for him to go on so he can explain what the fuck he needs her forgiveness for, but he doesn’t say anything.

“Is that it?” I almost yell into the phone. “Is that where the message ends?”

“Yeah,” Cal confirms. “The only other message he sent me was the address to the villa they’re in.”

“What a fucking coward?” I say through gritted teeth, both anger and relief collide inside me.

“He doesn’t trust that he can get Alana safely home, and he’s probably right. So we’re on the way to go get her.” Cal says, sounding matter of fact.

“I have to come. I have to see her,” I tell him, letting him know I’m not taking no for an answer.

“I know that makes sense to you, but you can’t, not now. I have to figure out who we’re dealing with, and having you there will only escalate things.” Cal says sternly but with a hint of sympathy in his voice.

“There’s no fucking way I’m not going,” I tell him, trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

“Ian, remember it’s not just her, she’s pregnant, and we need her calm and emotionally stable. You, her, and Kam in the same room will be anything but that.” He replies instantly. I squeeze my eyes shut and kick the punching bag. I’m so sick of this shit, being treated like a fucking kid just sitting back while everyone makes decisions about my fucking wife and possibly my kid.

“She’s coming back. We found her, I promise as soon as she’s back and in a good state, you’ll be the first to see her.” Cal says in a tone that shows he’s attempting to be conciliatory. I swallow all my anger and rage down as best I can and remember that she’s found the hard part is over…well, this leg of it anyway.

“Fine. I get it. But the second I’m able to, I want to see her.”

“That’s a promise.” He says before the line goes dead.

“Thank you,” I say aloud to whoever is listening and who had a part in bringing her home.