Page 67 of Ours

Fuck, she’s driving me insane.

She keeps grinding against me, letting me watch as she mimics what she could be doing on my cock right now. Her hand wraps around my throbbing length, the pad of her thumb stroking the sensitive spot just below the head, and it feels as if an electric shock just jolted through my body.

“Fuck, Alana,”I groan, my voice hoarse with frustration. “I can’t take it anymore.”

“Someone’s impatient,” she teases in an airy voice. She slowly moves her hand up and down my shaft, making me grit my teeth as small waves of pleasure ripple through me. I shut my eyes against the frustration she’s causing, not wanting her to stop if I try to take over this slow, seductive torture.

“You have to tell me.” Her voice comes to me and fills up the darkness behind my eyelids.

“Tell you what?” I damn near moan out.

“Tell me what you want.”

I swallow hard, knowing exactly what I want.

“I want to… I want fuck you,” I tell her.

“How bad?” she pushes. “How bad do you wanna fuck me, Kameron?”

“More than you know.”

“Oh, I think I know,” she says.

Her hand disappears from around my cock, and my eyes open to find her with the evilest shit-eating grin I’ve seen on anyone.

She leans over into my ear and says in a cold voice, “And so does Megan. She can’t fucking stand you now.”

The world rushes back to me, and my body freezes as she sits up. The grin on her face instantly morphs back to anger, and she glares at me with every ounce of contempt she harbors inside of her.

“Did you really think I was going to fuck you?” She viciously sneers at me before she climbs off.

She grabs her bra and puts it back on as I lie here trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. I have no idea how to connect the dots to how we got back here.

“You know how fucking shitty that is?” she continues, pulling a shirt out of a drawer. “I’m not gonna screw Megan’s boyfriend. Wait, no- I’m not screwing Megan’s fuckingfiance. That would ruin her Kameron. She’s already fragile enough as it is, but you don’t seem to give a shit about that.”

She motions to my cock as I sit up and turn my back to Alana, placing my head in my quivering hands as what I was about to do dawns on me. Was it going to be as much of a betrayal as she’s making it sound? Too much shit is running through my mind to try and come up with an answer to that. I’m too dazed and shocked to respond to anything she’s saying. My contradicting thoughts collide with each other, and I can’t come up with an answer for anything as disgust and horror begin to take over.

“No, no, no,” I mumble to myself. “It’s Megan’s body….you’re just in it….”

“Don’t forget Veronica,” she reminds me. “Would you have tried to fuck her too? Although I can’t imagine she’d even let you touch her. I don’t think she’d let anyone but Blue touch her. And I’d never fuck someone as weak as you. Howeasilyyou folded on Megan. You’re pathetic, Kameron.”

I didn’t fold, did I? She’s not some other woman. This is my fiance…a version of her at least. I remind myself of that as nausea passes through me.

“But… it’s the same body...It’s still Megan.” I sound like I don’t even believe it in my own ears.

Alana’s sharp cackle brings me out of my daze, and my heart starts to pound in my throat. I look at her, and through that cold fury, I can't see Megan anywhere in her.

“Not to you, we’re not,” she throws at me. “That’s why I’m locked in this room. Because you’d never do this to Megan, right? You’re just using that as an excuse to justify wanting to fuck me. That’s so shitty of you, betraying her trust like that. Just because we have the same body doesn’t make it okay for you to fuckme.”

With ease yet again, she sees right through me, and she couldn’t be more right.

Was this her plan all along?

This diabolical, conniving woman easily managed to get me to let go of all of my convictions. I thought I knew what she was capable of. I was wrong.

I definitely have to get away from her. I have to getfaraway from her.

I stand up, not even bothering to get my clothes, and I leave the room as she asks where the fuck am I going, but I don’t respond to her.