Page 4 of Ours

I think about asking one of the groundskeepers where the front gate is, but I remember how they wrote Megan off. Besides,Kamerontold them I’m batshit crazy and not to listen to anything I say. Which is something else that lets me know he knew exactly what he was doing. And that makes me feel just kind of sorry for Megan. I wonder if that makes him feel like shit, telling everyone she’s crazy so she couldn’t get help.

What a fucking asshole.

I walk around the grounds, but I don’t see anyone else. Not down on the golf course, there’s nobody on the beach, in the pool house, the garden, nowhere. Even if I was going to ask someone for help, I can’t find a single soul around. Shit,Kameronprobably told everyone to leave after last night. Getting away from this place is going to be harder than I thought it would be. Kam came here with the intention of making sure he and Megan stay here, and he’s had a three-day head start. There’s no telling what else he’s done.

Turns out our boy isn’t as naive as you thought.

I frown as Veronica’s voice bounces off the walls of my head.

Shut up,I tell her before turning around and stalking back towards the villa, heading for the perimeter so I can look for a way out. I don’t care that we’re an hour away from any civilization. I’ll find a road and hitch a ride somewhere before I stay here.

I walk along the perimeter, keeping to the red brick wall that’s keeping me from leaving. At least the weather is nice, almost perfect. The sky is clear, and there are better things to do than roam around looking for a way out.

What a way to ruin a trip,Kameron,I think to myself.

It takes me too fucking long to walk the perimeter, but I do find there’s only one way out. There’s an iron gate at the front that slides to one side. I’m pretty sure I remember Megan seeing Kameron use a remote to open it, but since I don’t have that, I need a key to manually get out, which I also don’t have.

I want to punch something, but instead, I dig my fingernails into my palms and keep walking. Maybe I can find something else to get out.

I look around for a tool shed. There has to be one somewhere, no way a place like this wouldn’t have one. I’m sure there’s something in there that can help me get out of this hell hole. When I see riding lawn mowers parked underneath a car canopy, I pick up my pace.

Adrenaline starts coursing through me as I push my way inside. Immediately, I find a few ladders, each varying in height, but I already know none of them are even close to being tall enough to get me over the wall. I look around frantically for anything I could use to possibly damage the gate to make it malfunction and open for me, but I find absolutely nothing.

Just before my anger reaches its boiling point, my eyes land on a wall of handheld tools that can certainly be useful. I pull a hammer down as I contemplate a new method of getting ahold of a phone.

I don’t plan to kill Kameron…. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a murderer. But I’m getting out of here one way or another.