Page 29 of Ours



Once the door shuts,I push myself into a seated position, struggling as I do. I am tired, but I don’t want to sleep right now, nor do I think I’ll be able to, especially not now. I’m too pissed off at the moment. Now that he’s gone, I can let loose on Veronica for clouding my thoughts when I was supposed to be focusing on getting under Kam’s skin.

You need to shut the fuck up when he’s in here so I can think!I fume at her.Do you think I can pay attention to both of you?

You seemed to do fine just then,she quips

No, you made that hard as fuck just now repeating the same shit over and over again!

Because you weren’t listening!She snaps at me. This is the first time I’ve heard her tone take on anything other than that condescending coolness I’m used to.How are we supposed to get out of here if you won’t cooperate with me?

I told you, I got this! I don’t need your help.

Yes, you’ve been doing a beautiful job so far,she says, condescension flooding her tone.

If I could touch her right now, I’d deck the shit out of her mainly because I don’t want to admit she’s right. All she did while Kameron was making breakfast was preach in my head about how all three of us are one person, and she continued to do it while he cleaned the room. His attention was on me the entire time, which she felt the need to point out. I didn’t need her to do that; I already knew he was watching me the whole time he was in here. I could feel him focused on me even though he pretended not to. She explained he was probably trying to pick out any similarities between Megan and me and wouldn’t shut the fuck up about using that knowledge against him. Since he’s like most people who see us as three different people, she was insistent that I see just how separate we all are in his head. He didn’t mention anything about Veronica, but Megan and I may as well be an angel and a demon in his eyes. Which he isn’t wrong about; those descriptions fit us perfectly.

But Veronica, as annoying as she is about this, is on to something. His refusal to see us as one person can easily be used against him, and I already have an idea of how I could do it. But there are a few dilemmas.

Despite what you say, he’s not going to be attracted to me,I tell her.And I don’t want him to think I’m attracted to him for even a second.

The idea alone makes me shudder.

If you play nice, of course, he would,she reasons.He’s attracted to the body, obviously. You’ve done this to men before.

Yeah, for a whole lot of money!I let out a sigh. And that was before…before Ian.

Ian would understand,she replies quietly.

Ian wouldn’t understand. I can’t do that to him. I’ve hurt him so much already.

But fuck, she’s right. I can’t fight him. Even if I wasn’t pregnant, I’d be at a major disadvantage. Kameron’s a pussy, but he’s a big guy, and without the element of the surprise, I’m fucked..

She doesn’t say anything, and I sit here with my arms crossed looking out the window, not wanting to tell her the real reasons why I don’t want to be nice and flirty with Kam. It goes way beyond the fact that I’m repulsed by him.

Seducing Kam wouldn’t be hard at all. That’s just an excuse. He’s already obsessed with Megan, and I know all of her mannerisms and habits. All I’d have to do is bat an eyelash at him and be sweet, then I’m out of this room.

But that isn’t good enough for me. I want to be out of this entire situation. I’m not swinging to just get me to first base; I need to get out of here altogether.

Besides that, Kam doesn’t deserve kindness after any of this. I want to give him absolute hell for trapping me here. It’s going to piss me the fuck off if after all of this, Megan runs back to him. That very real possibility is another reason why I don’t want to make him want me. I’m not trying to hear Megan bitch and moan about how I tricked him into falling for me just to hurt him. Even though she drug Ian through the mud and proceeded to break his heart more, I don’t want to do that to her. That’s not the kind of revenge I want.

I want Megan to see Kameron for the weak man that he is. I want her to see just how easily he cracks when things don’t go his way. I don’t want him to fall for me. I just want him to fall.
