Page 23 of Ours

“Yeah?” he says back expectedly. “Well, that makes two of us. What are her brothers doing to find her now?”

“They’re getting paperwork together to search airport security footage,” I tell him. “But they have no idea which airport they flew out of. They think since the trip was fake, they didn’t fly out of that airport or even with the same airline.”

“Shit,” he mutters. “That could take a while. You’ll let me know what they find?”

“As soon as I know, you’ll know,” I tell him.

“Katie’s supposed to be seeing if their parents have heard anything. I’ll let you know what she tells me if there’s anything.”

“Yeah. Thanks, man. I gotta go.”

Before he responds, I hang up, and I stand here for a moment before my fist goes straight through the drywall, and I pull it back bloody. Every call I get just makes all of this shit much worse, and I don’t know how many more dead ends I can take.


I don’t even bother bandaging my hand up. I wash the bits of drywall off of it before throwing my door opening and heading to my truck.

Megan’s somewhere out there alone with Kameron, and I hope he’s considered every angle of whatever scheme he has. I don’t think he’s truly aware of what he’s working with, but it's going to find out soon.