Page 20 of Ours

“Thanks,” I say, pushing back from the table. “I’ll let you know what I find out too. I’m sorry I dropped all of this on you.”

“No, it’s fine,” she says, waving her hand. “I needed to know what’s going on. I wouldn’t have thought anything more of the cameras, but now it does make sense.”

I stand up from the table and wait for her to get up, but she stays there.

“I’m going to stay here for a little bit,” she says, giving me a weak smile.

Seeing how solemn she looks makes me feel bad that I’m about to speed off, but I have to get going. I need to call Ian.

I bring my hand up to rub the back of my head.

“I didn’t mean to make you think bad about your brother, and I’m not meaning to make it worse, but Katie,” her eyes find mine. “you can’t be mad at Megan for Kam staying with her. It’s his choice.” Her jaw flexes as I talk. “There’s a lot to put on Megan, but Kam decided to stay after he found out. He signed on for Megan’s mess. Don’t blame her for choices he made.”

She tears her eyes away from me and looks back at the table.

“I know that. I do. But she could have told him when they first met. Even if she didn’t know the full extent of her condition, she could've said something.”

“Valid point,” I say, nodding. “But still, he chose to stay after he found out.” She bites her lip, but she doesn’t respond. “I’ll talk to you later, Katie.”

“Bye, Blue,” she says.

I leave the cafe a lot more pissed than I was when I walked in. Now that I know Kam didn’t even tell Katie what his plans were, I already know they aren’t finding them at that damn resort. They could be anywhere in the world right now.

Fucking Kam. What was he thinking?

Once I get back behind the wheel of my Challenger, I take a second to breathe before I connect my phone to Bluetooth and tell it to call Ian.