Page 13 of Ours

It takes some wiggling to get it off, and when I do, I twist it open to find a little box inside, and my body heats up.


My eyes are fixed on it as I take in a deep breath, trying to come up with any reason he’d need a camera in the kitchen. The living room was reasonable, but why the kitchen? Maybe he thinks Alana or Veronica would come out while she’s cooking, and they wouldn’t turn the stove off? I mean, that is a good reason, but I feel like I’m reaching for excuses so I don’t have to acknowledge exactly what it is. I stare down at the little camera, trying to make every excuse in the world for Kam, but I’m not convincing myself too well anymore.

Then it hits me. He already knew I was here that day. He had to have seen me on the camera. I was sitting right under it. He got here pretty fucking quick after I did, and this is probably why.

I can feel my blood pressure shoot up. So he’s been keeping tabs on Megan without her even knowing it. I wonder if this goes beyond just having to worry about Alana and Veronica coming out when he isn’t around. I wonder if he trusts her at all.

I hop down from the island top and pull on my Docs before making my way to the master bedroom. There’s a fire alarm on the wall above the door. I don’t want to know where else he has these damn things hidden. The one in the kitchen was out of place enough, but to find one in here is really going to speak volumes. I reach up, not caring how I take it down, and I see a camera in here too.

“Shit, Kameron,” I groan, staring at the little device sitting in this fire alarm too.

This one is impossible to make excuses for. Why the fuck would he need to be spying on her in their own room? I have absolutely no way to write this one off. I don’t even put it back up. I want him to find out someone knows. I’m sure he’ll be pissed when he finds out it was me, but I don’t really give a fuck. He has some explaining to do, and I’m sure Megan would love to know why he’s been keeping his eyes on her.

Veronica was spot on when she said something was off with Kam. He’s obsessed, insecure, concerned, or all three, but none mixes well with the fact that nobody knows where either of them are. And after finding all that shit, Ian’s words are pretty fucking loud right now.

I have to get out of here. When I’m outside, the sky has darkened, and the temperature has gone down more, but I suck in lungfuls of cold, crisp air, trying to calm the anger rising up inside of me. Then I pull my phone out.

I need to talk to the one person in the world that knows Kam better than anyone.

The phone rings once before she picks up.

“Blue?” Katie sounds happy, yet suspicious to be hearing from me. Right now, hearing her voice doesn’t annoy me like it did a few days ago when I saw her. “Is this an accidental call?”

I shake my head like she can see me, but then I remember to answer. “No, there’s a reason I’m calling,” I tell her, but then I quickly add, “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Alright,” she says cautiously. “What is it?”

“I don’t want to talk about this over the phone,” I tell her, opening my car and climbing inside. “Can you meet me right now?”

“I can’t,” she says after a moment's hesitation. “I have a big exam tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow then? When are you out of class?”

“Blue, what’s this about?” Her voice is alert now, having picked up the tension in mine.

I can just tell her about it now, and I almost do, but I hold off. If Katie’s lying, I’ll be able to see it in her face.

“I’ll text you for the details.” My words come out forcefully; I can’t help it. Something tells me Katie knows about the fucking cameras, and I’m fighting against my urge to ask her about it right now.

“Okay?” She says quietly.

I end the call; ten different questions are on the tip of my tongue, and I almost let each of them fly. I’m left sitting in the silence of my car, staring out the windshield but not seeing anything beyond it. Ian’s words ricochet around in my thoughts, and Veronica’s warning echoes. If I tell Ian this, he’s going to have a field day.

“Fuck!” I hit the steering wheel, thinking about how easily I dismissed Veronica’s cry for help when Megan said all was good.

I should have known better.

I should’ve looked further into it. If Veronica felt like something was wrong, I should have gone with her word. And now she might need help, but who the hell knows where they are.

Pissed at myself, I crank up and take off with no particular destination in mind. Ian needs to know about this, but only after I talk to Katie and find out what she knows. She’s the one who would know if there’s anything else going on. But I can’t get answers tonight, so I just ride.