Page 10 of Ours



It’s about fucking time.It’s finally Cal. I quickly hit the option for speaker phone and wait for Cal to say somethinganything. My eyes are locked on the phone, and I can feel Blue watching me. My heart thuds in my chest as I wait for him to go on.

“So we spoke to his parents,” Cal starts, but I already know what that got him. “They haven’t spoken to Kameron for a few days, and he’s not answering his phone. Since Megan’s phone had been cut off, Dexter was able to strong-arm the phone company into explaining why. He was told the primary holder of the account requested the line be disconnected.”

I look over at Blue, who’s staring at me wide-eyed as my theory comes back around to punch him in the gut.

“But we aren’t jumping to any conclusions,” Cal continues, although he sounds like he’s already come to his own conclusion.

“Why would he turn her phone off but not his?” I ask him.

“It looks like they’re on vacation,” Call tells me, and I squint. “Hawaii.”

I’m silent for a moment, immediately tossing out the idea that they just forgot about today.

“So they intentionally missed the appointment then?” I ask, my blood boiling.

“Well,” Cal says, a contradictory tone in his voice. “That still remains up in the air. His parents have no idea where they are, and after speaking to them face to face, I know they aren’t lying. I found out from Kam’s father that they aren’t too thrilled about his relationship with Megan anymore. He didn’t implicitly say it, but it was conveyed in how he spoke of her. He did make it known that Kam’s adamant about staying with Megan despite how they feel about it. And given that the child may be yours, Kam’s well aware of how damaging that could be if it was made public.”

“Okay,” I say, shutting my eyes tight as I take in what he told me. “So they hopped on a plane to Hawaii to escape this shit storm going on, but why isn’t he answering his fucking phone if all they did was go on a short vacation?”

“That’s the thing,” he says. “I’m not all too sure that’s what they did. According to his father, none of his accounts have been tapped into, and neither have any of Megan’s. The only things that have come out of Kam’s account are payments for two round-trip tickets to Hawaii purchased about four days ago and a room reservation for two at the Auberge resort in Mauna Lani, which was extended for another few days today. They wouldn’t give us any information about whether or not they’re still there, so we’re sending some people to check it out. Dexter has connections in Hawaii. They’re already on the way.”

I take in a deep breath, trying to kill the fire inside me, but my inhale only fuels it.

“The resort stay and the plane tickets were the only things to come out of the account?” I ask him, making sure I heard him right. “No other transactions?”

“Yeah, which makes me think they aren’t there,” Cal says. “They’ve been there for three days. There would be other purchases from the area if so.”

“You’re thinking they’re not even thereanymore,” I state, staring at Blue as he stares at the phone, confusion and shock on his face.

“I’mthinking they were never there,” he clarifies. “But we need to cover every base and not jump to conclusions. Chances are, Megan lost her phone, and Kameron had it turned off, and they just wanted to stay longer.”

“But what doyouthink is going on?” I ask through gritted teeth. I know I can’t be the only one thinking this, and from what it sounds like, Cal and I might be on the same page for once.

“There’s no need to speculate until we find out,” he rebuts, but I can hear it in his tense voice that he’s not expecting to find them at that resort. “We have guys going to look into it. You’ll be the first to know what’s going on when we find anything else out.”

I want to press him for what I know he’s thinking, but I don’t. I let that shit go for now.

“Cool,” I force out.

“I’ll be in touch.” And with that, the call ends, and I toss my phone to the opposite end of the couch.

“Shit, man,” Blue says, stunned as I run my hands over my face. “Chances are, they just wanted to be away from all the shit going on here. You just have to chill. Be patient. They’ll be back.”

I’m really starting to get fed up with him giving Kameron the benefit of the doubt.

“Look,” I sit back on the couch and look directly at Blue. I don’t know how I’m going to get him to stop dick riding this man. “You gotta stop acting as if Kameron is as level-headed as he comes off. The dude literally offered me hundreds of thousands of dollars to stay away from Megan. He would do anything to get her away from here. I don’t believe for one second they’re at that resort. Who goes to Hawaii and doesn’t spend shit?”

Still, Blue shakes his head. “Even if what you think happened went down, Kam isn’t dangerous. He wouldn’t hurt her.”

“Fuck, Blue!” I yell, beyond irritated now. I clench my fist so hard they start to shake. “It’s not that simple.”

“Then explain!” He matches my volume. “I’m not a fuckin mind reader! You’re sitting here freaking out about something I’m not privy to. Spit it out, man! All I know is that you’re assuming Kam’s holding her somewhere like he’s some nutjob. Tell me what you’re thinking!”

“For someone who knows every side of her and for you to be so smart, you’re being really fucking stupid right now,” I growl. “If he took Megan somewhere she wasn’t aware she was going, it’s not just her in that shitty situation,” I explain to him. “And if Megan didn’t know she was going, which I’m sure she wasn’t aware of because she would’ve told one of us at least, she could be freaking out. And if she’s losing it, then more than likely, it’sAlanathat’s going to be dealing with Kam.”