Page 73 of Ours

I’m hungry enough to eat anything.

“Well, sit.” Lauren gestures to the island while she goes over to the refrigerator. “It won’t take long to reheat stir fry. How are you feeling? Do you need anything else? Something to drink?”

I swallow the flash flood of emotions that that loaded question brings up. It almost overwhelms me, but I suck it up, watching her as she shovels rice from a paper carton into a bowl.

“I’m okay, considering,” I answer. “The baby’s okay, and that was my main concern.”

The microwave door shuts, and Lauren turns around to face me, leaning on the counter behind her.

“But are you really?” Lauren asks.

I sit here staring at her, everything on the tip of my tongue. I want to tell her; Lauren has an air that makes me want to spill everything, but I want to sort through the past couple of days with professional help before I talk to anyone else.

“I definitely need to talk with Dr. Lyce,” I say, then I look at Cal. “Would you mind setting an appointment up for me?”

“I can make that happen,” he tells me. “When?”

“As soon as possible, preferably,” I answer.

“I’ll send Helen a message now.” He pulls his phone out, then he points his eyes back up at me. “Who are we talking to?”

I pull a deep breath into my lungs, not really feeling like answering questions, contemplating charading as Megan, but I decide to go with the truth.

“Veronica,” I tell them.

Cal nods, and Lauren's worried smile doesn’t falter.

“Really. I’m okay,” I reassure her, trying to put her mind at ease, even just a little bit. “The best thing I can do right now is to start seeing Dr. Lyce regularly, and I’m sure my counterparts will agree.”

“Well,” Cal says, looking down at his phone. “She has an opening tomorrow afternoon at four. Are you up for that?”

“That’s not too soon for you?” Lauren asks. “Are you sure you don’t want to take a day or two?”

“The sooner, the better right?” I reply.

They’re both trying to make sure I don’t push myself out there too quickly, and I appreciate them for that. It’s nice having someone looking out for our best interest. I already know being around our brother and sister-in-law will be much needed encouragement and inspiration. They have a thriving life together, and if Cal can find happiness, we can too.

“We aren’t trying to stop you from getting help,” Cal tells me. “We’re just trying to make sure you’re taking time to rest after what you’ve been through. Helen’s sessions can be intense, and we want to make sure you’re fully rested for it.”

“I get it,” I say softly. “I think I can handle it. I have a good bit I need to sort through before the baby comes.”

“As long as you’re ready,” Lauren states, setting the bowl down in front of me.

I immediately start eating before my baby starts eating me from the inside out, controlling myself so I don’t inhale it all at once. After about four mouthfuls of steaming Chinese rice, Lauren sets a glass of water in front of me. I pick it up and wash down what I’ve eaten, then I glance across the counter at Cal with questions of my own.

“How’d you find me?” I ask first, setting the glass down and picking my fork back up.

When he doesn’t answer right away, I look up from my bowl, and he’s staring at me like he’s contemplating telling me, but then he begins to speak.

“Kam sent a message to me with your location and his reasoning,” he explains. “Do you want to read it?”

I nod my head emphatically with no hesitation, forgetting about my food. I slide the bowl to the side to make room for Cal’s phone.

“You think that’s a good idea, Collin?” Lauren asks.

I sit up straighter as I realize this isn’t Cal. It’s Collin. We’re both full of surprises, I guess.

“I’d like to know what he said,” I announce, pushing past my momentary stall. “I’ll be okay. I want to know what his reasoning is.”