Page 52 of Ours

“Were you just holding out on the pregnancy pillow?”

“I ordered it a few days ago, and it just got here a few minutes ago.” Oh, how nice of him.

As he strips the bed, I look in the box he set down beside me. There’s one of those grabber things, so I don’t have to bend over, a few more books, and an assortment of snacks along with some bottled waters.

“I thought you’d prefer to have snacks in here with you instead of waiting on me to bring them. And the grabber has been in the pantry, I guess to make getting things down from the top shelves easier. They’re pretty tall. I don’t need it, though.”

Looking at all this shit in this box only pisses me off. I wouldn’t need a box of ‘goodies’ if he would just let me out of this fucking room. Better yet, if he’d just let me go back to Chicago. Is this supposed to make me grateful towards him? Because it’s not, but I can feel that Megan is, and it pisses me off to no end.

I grit my teeth together, and I have to repress the groan at being unable to say what I want.

I look up at him as he tucks fitted sheets under the mattress, and I find he’s already staring at me, waiting for me to say something.

“Thanks,” I bite out like I’m supposed to, but I can’t help myself from adding, “You wouldn’t have to bring me a box of stuff if you let me out of this shitty room.”

He sighs and actually looks sullen.

“I know, but I don’t feel safe with you roaming around. Just yet anyway. You swung a hammer at me, Alana.”

“Just think about it for one second, Kameron,” I press, using the softest tone I’ve ever used in my life. “What would you do if someone trappedyousomewhere? You would have wanted to hurt them so you could get away too. You can’t deny you wouldn’t have done the same thing.”

I see his jaw clench as he stares at me, and his eyebrows crinkle together as if he’s only just now thinking about if the roles were flipped. The conflict in his eyes is clear, and I watch as he battles with himself.

“I’ll think about it,” he finally says as he scoops the old sheets in his arms before going to the towels in the corner. “But I can’t guarantee I’ll give you the answer you want.”

Guilt trip him with the baby,Veronica says.

Oh shit. That’s a good idea.

I don’t look at him when I say it; instead, I stare into the box and mumble, “Being cooped up like this can’t be good for the baby.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him stop what he’s doing, and he looks at me, but I dig in the box a second more before pinning my gaze on him.

“Shit,” he hisses, tearing his gaze away from me and heading for the door.

I’m getting ready to scream after him to ask where he’s going, but Veronica tells me to let him go, and screaming won’t help at this point anyhow.

He’s out the door, and I’m left sitting here staring at it as the sound of the lock turning rings through the room.

I think….I think you might have gotten through to him.

We’ll see.