Page 146 of One Bossy Dare


She’s definitely convincing.

A faint smile pulls at my lips. “That sounds like the Lump I know, hero complex and all. He thinks he can save the world.”

“Not the world. You. He does feel responsible, but not in the way you think,” she points out.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, based on what little Linc pulled out of him, he’s about as miserable as you. He’s feeling wicked guilty about the whole thing, beating himself up. It was his friend and his past that almost made you swim with the fishies forever...”

That stupid man.

That stupid, kindhearted, heroic freak of a man.

I swallow the rock in my throat, blinking back tears. “I’ll be thankful to him forever for what he did. I have to be. But we’re still worlds apart—do you really think we have a chance at any kind of relationship? Saving me from a lunatic doesn’t instantly fix the deeper issues.”

“He loves you enough not to pursue that relationship, if you don’t want it. Because he can’t stand the thought of hurting you more.” She pauses, a thin smile appearing. “I just write sappy poems, but that sounds like a hell of a foundation to work with. I’d call it love, Eliza.”

I snort, my inner pessimist rising up. “Love? You think he loves me?”

“Eliza, Eliza...hold still.” Her hand hovers over my face.

Then she flicks me between the eyes.

“Ow, what the hell?” I jerk back. “What was that for?”

“That’s me, waking you up. You’re welcome. And not to be the pushy, overbearing best friend from every bad rom-com here, but he loves you, silly. After Derek, I know this scares you,” she lays her hand on my shoulder. “On paper, Cole seems similar, but we both know he’s not. He’s proven it a thousandfold. If you’d just be honest with yourself for one minute, you’d know I’m right. You’d have to admit you love him, too. There’s also something else to consider.”


“Well, until he hears from the police or reads your statement, he can’t know everything Troy said, right? Don’t you think he deserves that closure?”

Oh, crap.

A hot tear escapes my eye.

Why am I even crying?

Because Dakota is right. I might just be the dumbest, most stubborn woman in Seattle.

“Closure, yeah. Everything else...maybe,” I whisper. “But if he loves me enough not to pursue anything, then maybe I love him enough to let him.”

“That’s stupid,” she clips.

“What can I say? We’re People of Inaction. So full of love we’re too paralyzed to actually make each other happy.”

“I think you need another brain scan. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” She gives me a skeptical look.

“Yeah, yeah. I know.”

“When you’re on your feet again without your spine falling out, you need to find him, Eliza. Talk, before this gets even more ridiculous and one of you starts training messenger ravens or something.”

That wins her a laugh. “Oh, no. You’re still the only woman ever who gets a guy groveling with a trained raven.”

A huge smile stretches across her face and she blushes. “It was nice. But I want you to stop being your own worst enemy. Go get your happily ever after. Do not mess this up, Eliza, or I’ll brick you up in the nearest wine cellar.”

Big words when your best friend is a Poe and a poet.

My stomach flips over. I’m woozy and dizzy and I can’t even blame it on the painkillers.

I don’t want to lose Cole.

I don’t want to lose Destiny, either, and they’re a package deal.

But what if they’re already gone?

What if I make the effort and Cole decides I’m not worth it? If he tells me to get lost?

“Eliza, are you okay?” Dakota asks.

I drain my coffee and set the empty cup on the nightstand beside my bed.

“Whatever. I guess I’ll call him.”

“Nope.” She smiles so sweetly I almost die. “This is a conversation you’re having in person.”


“No buts, Eliza. We both know you’d never forgive me if I let you do this over the phone.”

God, she’s right. But I can’t just up and do it in person, either.

“Dakota, I’m scared,” I whisper.

“I know, honey. But I don’t think you need to be.”

I grit my teeth, imagining something awful. “What if he tells me to get lost?”

She snorts. “He won’t, but you’ll never know if you don’t try.”

I shake my head.

“I’ve already told my parents I’d move home. They totally freaked out after—” After Troy tried to kill me, I’m about to say, but I can’t find the words. It makes it too real again. “After the incident. And maybe he should call me first?”

“Too easy. He’s waiting on you, girl.” She sighs, looking up at the ceiling before she glances at me again. “Look, if one of you doesn’t make a move ASAP, you’re both going to lose. Guaranteed. I’m not his best friend, so I can’t advise him. You’re the only one I can talk any sense to—is it getting through?”