I sit up.
Maybe he came and got some of his stuff, and accidentally took Kat’s pills?
“Stay put. I’m going to check something.” I hurry down the hall, but pause on the edge of the landing leading to the east wing of the manor.
Owen’s room is somewhere down there. I’d planned to knock on all the doors until I found Wilder, but what if I encounter Owen first?
Licking my lips, I straighten my spine and hurry to the first door, rapping sharply on it with my knuckles.
No answer.
I knock again, bite the inside of my lip, and slowly turn the handle.
The room is locked.
I laugh sourly to myself. I’mdefinitelydemanding a key for my room. I can’t believe Owen fed me such a heap of steaming bullshit.
And you ate it with a smile.
No one answers the next door, but this one at least is unlocked. I step inside and almost immediately slam my bare foot into the side of a box.
“Fuck!” I hop on one foot, grimacing at the stab of pain from my little toe. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“Keep it down,” comes a growly croak from the left side of the room.
I step deeper into the room, my eyes fixed on the floor in case of more box-shaped landmines. There are two beds in this room, one pushed against either wall, but only one dresser, desk, and chest of drawers. It looked like the room might have been tidy, but then someone came and dropped a bunch of clothes and half-filled boxes in the middle of the floor.
“What?” The curly-haired Royal props himself up on his elbows, baring a chiseled chest adorned with a snarling tiger tattoo. He blinks at me, and then a slow grin spreads over his face. “What can I do you for, sweetheart?”
“Did you take a bottle of pills from Kat’s room?”
Wilder scowls at me. “I didn’t steal anything.”
I sweep a hand over the messy floor. “Could I check?”
“I didn’t take any of her shit.” His eyes narrow to slits. “Do you know you have a brush in your hair?”
I reach up and tug absently at the handle. “I’m not saying you took it on purpose. Maybe you picked it up with—”
“Get the fuck out of my room,” Wilder growls.
I swallow down another plea and retreat, chewing at the inside of my lip.
When I get back to Kat’s room, she’s started rocking, making a soft keening sound. I scan the room again, and see her glittery purse—the one she took to the party. It’s the only thing of hers I can spot in this mess, so I might as well start there.
I open it, peek inside. There’s no pill bottle, but there are at least five pills lying loose in the bottom. I shake them into my hand and sift through them. I don’t recognize any of them, but I’m pretty sure the pink one with the heart stamped into it is a molly.
“Hey, Kat? I found something.”
Kat groans as she rolls onto her back, the hand she holds out quivering. “Give.”