Page 132 of Brutal Royal

My father looks past me and then gives a double-take. Eyes narrowing, he flicks his fingers, beckoning at someone in the distance. I swing around in my seat, my stomach tightening at the sight of Owen standing near the exit of the cafeteria.


“You’ve got a lot to think about, Evie,” my father says. “I won’t force you to make a decision straight away, but Iwillneed one from you soon.”

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Owen says as he walks over to our table. “I just wanted to find out if you’d like to join us for lunch?”

My father stands, putting his hand out for Owen to shake. “Not today, young man. I have a long drive ahead of me.”

“Dad?” I stare up at him, not quite trusting my legs yet. “You didn’t mention—”

“Your mother…” My dad looks uncertain for a moment. “She… asked to see me.” He gives Owen a circumspect look. “All these recent developments have opened her eyes. You are more than welcome to come with, but I have a feeling you’d rather stay here this weekend.”

There’s a gleam in my father’s eyes. I almost can’t believe it… but it might just be hope.

Tears prick at my lashes, but I blink them back feverishly before they can fall. If Dad is saying what I think he is, then he and my mom might be on the mend. I guess the church receiving that note from Brent made her realize I was telling the truth all along. Now she’ll finally understand that my dadwasn’trunning away from her.

He was trying to protect me.

“You’ll let me know?” Dad says.

I nod. “Yes, of course.”

He glances up at Owen. “I look forward to meeting your parents.”

Owen smiles, and we both turn to watch Dad leave.

Sitting down beside me, Owen slings an arm around my shoulders.

I give him a furious, wide-eyed stare. “You could havetoldme about the money! I was totally blindsided.”

“Would you rather your father think you had something to do with it?”

There’s a long beat of silence before my shoulders sag. “You’re right,” I mutter. “But it was still a shitty move.”

“Do you really believe I didn’t consider every option?” He grabs my chin, turning me to look at him. “Evie, I willneverintentionally hurt you. All this… I did it for you.”

Something’s bugging me. I make sure to stare Owen solidly in the eyes as I ask, “Was it your money, or his?”

Owen cocks his head. “His.”


“If there’s one thing you’re not, Evie, it’s a charity case.” He smiles at me, tracing the outline of my lips with his thumb. “He and his family had already spent most of the money, but after cashing in on some shares they managed to scrape enough together. They put up quite a big fight about the donation to the church… but they came around.”

“Was this before or after the donkey?”

Owen laughs. “Before.”

“Holy cow,” I murmur.

Drawing me close, Owen stares down at me with an unreadable expression. “Do you feel Brent got everything he deserved?”

I bite the inside of my lip. “You’re still pissed that I made you stop the show.”

Owen shrugs. “None of that was for my benefit.” Then he looks away, an impish gleam touching his eyes. “Okay, maybe a little of it was. But you’re the judge, jury, and executioner here, Evie.”

I give him a firm nod. “There are some lines I won’t cross, Owen. Forcing my ex-boyfriend to have sex with a donkey is one of them.”