Page 121 of Brutal Royal



My heart is racing. I can’t believe this actually worked. I honestly thought she’d just keep telling the white rabbit to go home. But it seems Sterling was right.

I do have a superpower.

It takes us ten minutes to reach our destination. The entire way, I can’t help but stare at Evie. I’ve seen her around campus, but it’s different being this close to her. Touching her. Being able to inhale her scent.

And there’s the fact that she looks fucking unbelievable in a catsuit. Despite not wearing any makeup. Despite her hair loosely pulled up in a bun.

Maybe I’ve just missed her… although I already know that’s not it.

I’m in love with her, perhaps since the day we met. Thankfully, I’m done kidding myself. This is a last-ditch effort to make her understand how much she means to me.

And if it doesn’t work, I’ll have to make peace with the fact that I’ll be alone for the rest of my life.

If it means I get to make even the smallest change in her life, then it’ll be worth it.

“Seriously,” Evie says, turning to frown at me. “Where are we?” She’s been glued to the window this entire time. Avoiding me as she tries to figure out where I’m taking her.

She’ll never be able to guess, simply because so few people know this place even exists.

“A friend’s house.”

Her eyes go back to the window.

It’s not a lie either. This place belongs to a friend of the Daltons. And it istechnicallya house, though most people would call it a manor, or an estate. The grounds are certainly expansive enough.

It’s the second time I’ve been here. This is where I came from when I went to fetch Evie from the airport a few miles away. I’d been helping set things up when she finally landed.

Our Rolls Royce pulls up at the front of the circular drive, gravel crunching under the shoes of the man who’s waiting on hand for our arrival. He’s the quintessence of a professional escort in his black suit and white gloves. He opens my door, and waits for me to go around to open for Evie.

As she steps out of the Phantom, I hand her a mask. She frowns at me when she sees it. “Really?”

“Trust me.”

Her face screws up at that, but she hesitantly slips on the golden fox mask, looking only slightly more comfortable when I put on my matching mask.

Draping her hand over my arm, I lead her up the walk to the front door of the mansion. She hangs back when the doors open and we’re bathed in warm golden lights from a chandelier dripping with diamonds.

“Owen,” she whispers uneasily, when a young woman walks past wearing only tight leather shorts, a golden tray balanced on her hand. She’s wearing a rabbit mask—similar to the one the white bunny was wearing—but hers is gold, like ours.

“Hold on tight, Evie.”

When her fingers dig into me, I turn and gently grasp her shoulders. “You’re safe with me,” I murmur down to her. “And if you want to leave, just say the word and we’re gone.”

Her eyes are luminous behind the mask, the deep blue of a twilight sky. For a moment, I think she’s going to back out. Then she slowly releases the tight grip she had on her cloak and unclasps it at her neck.

My breath catches as she lets the silky fabric drop to the floor at her feet, baring her perfectly curved body. Another bunny girl hurries to our side to scoop up the cloak, and I hand her my trench coat.

Evie nods, and there’s a smile on my lips as I lead her down the gleaming hallway.

“This had better be good,” she murmurs to me as we stop in front of a set of wooden doors.

“Good?” I can’t help but smile, earning a double-take from Evie. “Prepare to have your mind blown.”