Page 41 of Brutal Royal

Jesus, what a bitch.

And then she has the nerve to complain about Pinecrest?

“So, uh, have you… you’ve sent it in, right? The RSVP?”

I snap out of my reverie with a frown when I realize I was thinking about Evie.



Willow doesn’t seem to know what to do with this information. “Uh…”

“Listen, Hope, how about you scamper out of here? Owen will send it when he sends it,” Liam says, stepping up beside me. We both tower over the poor girl, and she takes a hurried step back like she’s worried we’re going to crush her underfoot.

“Oh, yes, of course. It’s just, the deadline was on Friday, and, uh…”

I stop listening to what she’s saying, because a head of wild white hair just appeared in my vision. It’s one of the reasons I couldn’t stop thinking about Evie after climbing off that golf cart. When I was getting that brush out of her hair, it was impossible not to feel how soft it was. How good it smelled.

She’s walking up to the entrance, her head down, an angry scowl on her face. Her bow is hanging from her hand, and from the way it’s rumpled, I’m assuming she tried to tie it and failed. She must have gone back for it; that’s why she hasn’t passed by here yet.


“What?” I frown at Liam, and his eyebrows arch over the top of his sunglasses.

“Willow says she needs to know if you’re bringing a plus one, then she’ll leave you alone.”

Evie is almost in earshot. She happens to look up, and flinches when we make eye contact.

Fuck knows why I do it. I guess I’m still pissed at her for assuming she knows a fucking thing about my life.

I raise my voice. “Did you forget you’re coming with me?”

“Me?” Willow squeaks.

“Yeah. We spoke about it on the weekend. You said you’d love to come to the Firefly Ball with me.”

“Oh… uh… wow. I don’t… are you sure—?”

Evie’s mouth tightens, and she makes a point of looking away as she walks past.

“Hey, Evie,” Sterling calls out. “I’m still looking for a date for the dance. You in?”

Evie turns to glance at him, but her eyes harden as soon as she spots me looking. She lifts her chin and walks away with a swing of her hips that has me watching her until she disappears inside the campus grounds.

“Uh… Owen?”

I turn back to Willow. “What?”

“Are you… serious?” Willow’s brown eyes are glittering.

“Yeah, man,” Sterling asks beside me, much quieter. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, why not.” My parents have been hounding me about my date for weeks now. Might as well be Willow. According to them, a Dalton wouldn’tdareshow up to an event like that without a plus-one. I have a feeling my parents won’t be thrilled with my choice… then again, they’ve never been happy about anything I’ve done thus far in my life, so nothing new there.

This’ll just be another item to add to their long list of disappointments.