Page 7 of Night Service



Today is the last day of the conference and I've decided to use it to catch up on all the sightseeing I’ve not done in the past two days. No one comes to Blue Ridge and leaves without going to at least one of its numerous attractions.

The day's conference activities finish at midday, giving participants time to gallivant. Whoever thought of that deserves a hug.

“What should we do first?” I ask Chris as we make our way to our rooms to change out of our formal attire.

“I can’t go out just yet,” he replies. “I have some meetings to catch up on.”

“But the conference is over,” I say. It sounds like whining to my ears but I don’t really care. I was already anticipating us exploring the town together. “What meetings?”

"Church stuff." He smiles apologetically. "I'll call you as soon as I'm done."

“Make sure you don’t take the whole day,” I say. “Or I might just have to explore for the two of us.”

Chris laughs. “Go have fun, Sam.”

When I come out of my room several minutes later, I can hear Chris speaking in his formal tone. I walk around the conference center for a while and then decide to look for a pool to dip my feet in. The weather is hot and a swim would be nice, but I don’t want to wear a bikini in such a crowded place. The stares I've been getting and ignoring for the past few days would probably triple and make me uncomfortable.

Where is the pool? Surely such a big hotel would have one. After several minutes of aimless searching, I go to the reception.

“Excuse me, is there a pool in this vicinity?” I ask the lady behind the counter tagged ASK ME.

"Uhm, yes," she replies. "But it's barred for the duration of this event. A little construction is going on and the hotel management wants to reduce the chances of accidents as much as possible."

“Okay,” I sigh. “Can you recommend any fun places around here then?”

"Well, my idea of fun is subjective," she starts, "but everyone loves the Coaster. It's a park about ten minutes' walk from here and there are restaurants nearby in case you get hungry."

A voice accosts me before I get my bearings. "Hey, pretty lady. Mind if I get your number?"

Is he serious? I look at the person that spoke and see an unfamiliar face leaning on the wall by the door. He looks like the type who has a wife and kids at home already. I eye him fully and sure enough, a wedding ring glints in the sunlight. How disgusting. He doesn’t even bother removing his wedding ring before hitting on other women. Not that removing wedding rings makes cheating better.

“I mind,” I say clearly and firmly and walk away as fast as my legs can carry me. Somehow I know he won’t chase after me.

As I walk into the street, I see Peter and his new girlfriend in a jewelry shop. The front walls are glass and I can see them clearly.

What sort of cosmic shit is going on? Of all the people to run into again.

The girl giggles at something Peter says and swats his arm. I scoff. I’m not jealous of their relationship. I just suspect that whatever Peter is feeding her are lies.

I wonder what her name is. Peter looks out from the shop and I quickly duck under a street vendor’s umbrella.

God, I hope he didn’t see me.

I don’t think twice as I buy a cap and sunglasses from the vendor. It would be too awkward if I just ducked there and didn't buy anything from him.

Peter and what’s-her-name come out of the jewelry shop and walk down the street towards where I’m headed.

Fuck. I don’t want to keep running into them. I debate on what to do for a few seconds and then decide to throw caution to the wind.

I’m going to follow Peter and his birdie all around town today. No, I’m not stalking them. I’m just following.

Given my body, I know the cap and sunglasses aren't much of a disguise but I feel hidden with them. Even if I'm caught, I can deny it till heaven comes as long as I keep my tourist act up.

I start to walk behind them but I make sure I keep at least ten steps between us. I’m not surprised when they end up walking to Coasters.