Page 19 of Night Service



I had panicked all morning, thinking of work clothes that would be okay for me to attend the night service. But trust my day to have other plans. I was bending by my chair to retrieve a file that fell under the desk when I heard a rip. I quickly checked in the bathroom and discovered my pencil skirt had given way by the side. While it wasn’t a bad tear, it tended to get worse as I made more movement throughout the work day.

Having no choice, I’m back in my wardrobe with clothes strewn all over the bed. I’m thinking of mom jeans and a top, but I suddenly slide into the 'I don't have any clothes' mode. I have a couple of jeans already set aside. The problem now is the top. Most will be too light for the cold night. At the same time, the not-so-light ones don't just seem to fit. Hoodies are out of the question because I’m not so sure how packed the hall will be and it can get hot with crowds.

Come to think of it, I could actually wear a hoodie with only a bra underneath. That way, I wouldn’t be too hot. But it is a Church and I’m so prone to accidents that I don't put it past fate that something will just happen and I’ll end up flashing the children of God. My phone buzzes with a notification and it’s a text from Chris.

I hope you're not backing out now. See you at the service soon.

The time is already ten minutes to 7 o'clock. I’m definitely going to be late. I haven’t even styled my braids yet. I quickly make up my mind and settle for a pink hoodie without a zipper; the mom jeans and a pair of sneakers. I’m out in five minutes and head to church. I couldn’t bear to suffer the embarrassment of walking down the aisle with people watching me, not this time.

The church is well lit, presenting me with a good view. The red stone walls stand regal, like a historical monument. The parapet crowned with a cross is in a beautiful face-off with the moon in the sky. I watch as people troop into the church, many of them youth, dressed in the custom olive green T-shirts that read YFC. I squint, trying to read the inscription below the bold font as one passed behind. ‘Youths for Christ’.

Nodding a few greetings to familiar faces, I settle in a chair at the back, hoping no one will sit there and obstruct my view.

The program starts on the dot of time with a prayer by one of the youths. They soon burst into action with a choir rendition, a hip-hop version of Great is Thy Faithfulness, inclusive of a fire rap verse. I couldn't help but bop my head and jump enthusiastically with the church. I note a few grandparents shaking their heads in displeasure and I giggle. I catch Chris' eyes during this time and he smiles at me. He’s also bobbing slightly to the music.

Finally, the drama starts, and I’m enthralled with the theatrics from the beginning till the very end. It’s a reenactment of Noah's Ark, but sci-fi themed. The special effects from the projector create an immersive experience, making the audience sometimes leap in their seats.

At the close of the curtains is rapturous applause, with the entire audience rising for the ovation. By 9 pm, the closing prayer is said, and we leave for the house. I see my phone lightening up just as I drop my bag on the passenger's seat. I had missed a call from my dad…actually seven. I frown, wondering why he is calling even when he knows my whereabouts.

"Hello! Sam! Sam!" His voice is panicky as he picks up the call.

"Dad? What’s going on? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you on your way home already?"

"No, what’s happening? Why do you sound like this? Are you okay?

"Please just stay in a hotel or something. Reports here show that a robbery happened at the Goldspring Bank."

"What?" The Goldspring Bank is quite close to our neighborhood. It’s just right beside the Walmart mall, where I do most of my shopping.

"Yes, please just stay away for now as the reports aren't good. Stay in a hotel around the church for the night."

"Okay, I hope everyone is fine."

"Yes, thank God Delores wasn’t on her way home yet."

"Whew, please take care of yourself, Dad."

"I will, baby, and you too. How was the service?"

"It was pretty great, Dad."

"Good. Stay safe, honey. Let me know when you settle in."

"Okay, bye, Dad."

A knock on my window startles me as I return my phone to my bag

"Oh, my daze!" I yell, throwing my phone away in the process. I clutch my hands to my chest severely startled by Chris, who’s bending over my window, concerned. I roll the window down a bit.

"I'm sorry I scared you."

"It's okay. I just got a frightening call."