Page 65 of Always Hiding


“Are you sure aboutthis, love? There’s no rush.” Marcus said as he unlocked the door to his room at the resort. We had sat on the bench for another hour, and I told him all about my upbringing with Ric and his pack, and about my parents.

The entire time that I was speaking, Marcus’s fingers trailed along my hands, arms, neck, and face. It was like he was trying to make up for all of the lost time that he hadn’t been touching me over the past eight months, and by the time that we finally made it to the cross roads between going back to the villa or to Marcus’s hotel room...the decision to go to his room had been an easy one to make.

“No more waiting.” I told him firmly, and pulled my swimsuit cover over my head before releasing the ties of my bikini top.

His green eyes glittered in the dim light of the room as he took in my topless form. I swore that I could feel every brush and pass of his eyes over my skin as if he was actually touching me.

“Do I need to take my bottoms off myself?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him and moving a hand to the ties on my bikini bottoms.

Suddenly he was in front of me, his fingers tugging on the ties on either side until my bottoms slid down my legs and I was standing nude in front of him. I didn’t even have to ask him to take his own clothes off, the white linen shirt and blue shorts he was wearing came off in the blink of an eye, and I finally got my first look at Marcus.Allof Marcus.

He was long and lean with stringy muscles that rippled underneath his skin. He wasn’t especially muscular in the way that Adair was, or broad like Rio, but I found my eyes trailing over every smooth plane of his skin with a hunger that surprised me. Finally, my eyes followed the dark bunny-trail of hair that led to his cock. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the glint of a piercing coming from the rounded head. I’d never seen a man with a pierced cock before, and I must have stared much longer than I should have, because Marcus finally interrupted my silent perusal.

“Did I pass your inspection?” Marcus held his arms out and spun around slowly, giving me a good look at the firm cheeks of his ass, the corded muscles of his back, and at the moon phase tattoo that was scrawled up his spine.

Marcus Whitlock was a girl’s wet dream come to life, and I was going to get to touch every piece of him. Excitement sat hot in between my legs and, rather than answer his question, I just nibbled on my lower lip.

A slow, knowing grin spread across his face, and he held a hand out to me. “No more waiting, right, love?”

His hand was warm and dry as I took it. “No more waiting,” I replied firmly.

I let him tug me over to the bed and when the backs of my knees brushed the cool sheets, I fell back into them and stared up at him hungrily. Marcus’s hands began to do a tactile perusal of their own as he slid them down the sides of my face, the smooth column of my throat, between my breasts which felt tender under the soft pads of his fingertips, and finally to rest over my stomach.

“How far along do you think you are?” He asked, his green eyes locked onto my stomach. I had sworn that it looked flat this morning, but now I could just barely see it swell between my hip bones, a tell-tale sign that there was life growing inside of me.

“I don’t know,” I replied honestly. “My last period was at the end of January, so that would make me around three or four months, but everything was so busy that I can’t really be sure until I see a doctor.”

“We’ll do that as soon as we get back to the states. You’ll need prenatal vitamins, and I will need to start reading up on pregnancy....” Marcus was getting completely off topic from the reason we were here, and I needed to get the sexy-time train back on track, or I would never get to find out what that piercing felt like inside of me.

I let him continue to make a verbal list, nodding and giving little noises of affirmation as I shifted so that he was underneath me. Even if he was in baby-mode, his cock definitely wasn’t.

“We will need to get a schedule set between the three of us so we can get you to all of your appoint...Madeline, what are you doing?” Marcus seemed to finally realize what I was doing when I used my tongue to test the metal of his cock piercing, finding the metal to be warm to the touch.

“I was wondering when you’d come back to the present. The baby is a long way off, and I’m right here, right now.” With that I slid his cock clumsily into my mouth. I’d only done this a few times with Adair and Rio, but since they liked to give more than receive, there hadn’t been very many chances to practice.

“You’ll have to tell me what you like.” I said, looking up at him from underneath the fan of my lashes. “Use that sexy accent of yours and tell me exactly how to suck your cock, Marcus.”

Marcus stared down at me in disbelief before he raked a hand through his hair. “Criminy, woman, if you aren’t careful you are going to make me come with just your naughty words.”

“Then I guess you’ll have to muffle my naughty mouth with your cock.” I was thoroughly enjoying being the one to initiate the dirty-talk. It made me feel powerful watching a red blush darken the alpha’s cheeks at my words.

“ your mouth wide, curl your top lip over your teeth, and flatten that tongue of yours at the bottom of your jaw. I’m going to fuck that sinful little mouth until I come.” Marcus’s green eyes darkened, and he was finally playing the game again.

Grinning, I obliged, and when he finally thrust his cock into my mouth, I was least for the first thrust. The tip of his piercing clicked painfully against my bottom teeth, and I shifted the angle of his thrusting so that he had a more straight shot into my throat.

His next thrust made me gag slightly, and he slowed. “Drop your jaw, love, and try to relax your throat. If it becomes too much just dig your nails into my thigh and I’ll stop, alright?”

I nodded, my mouth still stuffed full of his cock. He began to thrust again, he took things a bit slower until I finally relaxed into the rhythm, and he was able to push into my throat with very little gagging on my part.

If you had asked me before meeting Pack Carter if having a man fuck my throat felt good, I would have probably told you that there was no way in hell that something like that could ever feel good. I’d gone down on old boyfriends, but that had felt more like a chore than anything else.

But this? This was pure bliss, and I even found myself snaking a hand in between my thighs so that I could slip a finger inside of my hot, clenching core.

Marcus, for his part, was an incredibly loud lover. He wasn’t afraid to vocalize how good I was making him feel. When he pulled out of my throat again, I slid my tongue along the underside of his piercing and he shouted as he came. His release filled my mouth and throat, and there was so much of it that some dribbled from the corners of my lips as I did my best to swallow the thick deluge. When he finally pulled his cock free from my lips, I finished swallowing and wiped the moisture away from my mouth, and popped my cum-covered fingers into my mouth. It was depraved of me to like the taste of his cum so much, but judging by the heat in his green eyes, I had done the right thing.

“What a perfect girl you are,” Marcus praised in between ragged breaths. “Swallowing all of my cum without complaint.”