Page 53 of Always Hiding

Madeline helped me dress in a dark blue suit and red striped tie. “You need to project that you are in control of the situation. Blues and reds project confidence, and it doesn’t hurt that they’re the same colors of the American flag,” she said, more to herself than anything.

“Thanks, Melanie, uh-huh yeah just make sure everything is locked up tight and that the security systems are on. Talk to you later.” Rio said, hanging up the phone. His dark brown eyes found mine and he must have seen the question on my face because he said, “I called Melanie to tell her to close up the shop for the day. Better to be safe than sorry.”

In my concern for my campaign office, I had forgotten that Rio’s shop was also readily accessible to nutjobs. “Ri...” I started, guilt twisting my gut even further.

“It’s fine Adair, I get it.” Rio didn’t look angry, just resigned to the fact that my running for office was putting his business in danger.

Rio stood and joined Madeline and I, wrapping his arms around us and squeezing us tightly. “No one was hurt, that's the best-case scenario for situations like this.”

Madeline nodded. “And you aren’t going to let a bunch of crazy alphaholes keep you from doing what you believe is right, are you?”

“I just want you all to be safe.” Leaning in, I pressed my forehead to hers, inhaling her sugared cherry scent, and let it calm me down.

“Then we keep each other safe.” Rio rested his chin on my shoulder, and we stood for a long time in a comfortable silence, their scents wrapping around me like a warm blanket.

Madeline was the first to pull back, her brown eyes blazing with anger and determination. “Okay, you are going to go downstairs and show them that no one fucks with Adair Carter. Knock em’ dead, Tiger.”