Page 15 of Always Hiding

I watched with a grin as their faces reddened with blushes. I had been right that Rio would need a little bit of a push, since he was useless at flirting, but I was quickly learning that Madeline was probably no better at it. People say that opposites attract, but from what I can see of Rio and Madeline, they are definitely on the same wavelength.

Placing the plate in front of a still blushing Madeline, I sat next to her and examined her more carefully. She was pretty in a way that would make someone stop and do a double take if they saw her on the street. Her dark hair was still wet from her shower, and the front strands were tucked behind her ears, causing them to stick out adorably. Her brown eyes, now that I could see them more clearly, were on the warmer side, and probably erred more towards a rust color than just a plain brown. Even with her makeup washed off and her pretty clothing gone, she was still gorgeous.

Not to mention how good she smelled.

I’d been too preoccupied to pay much attention to it last night, besides the club had been rife with other cloying scents that got in the way, but this morning? This morning her scent hit me full force, and momentarily distracted me from my teasing. It was a mouth-watering mix of tart cherries and sweet sugar, like a warm cherry pie. Most beta’s scents were muted, and even with my freakishly strong sense of smell, I usually had to get close in order to figure out what they smelled like. On the flip side, omega scents tended to be overwhelming. Sometimes, it felt like their scents would grab you by the face and scream, ‘look at me!’

Madeline’s scent was a nice blend of both. Like walking into a house that someone was baking in, and there was a high chance that you would get to eat whatever was being baked. The anticipation was mouthwatering, and I had to force myself to focus on my own plate of eggs instead of the blushing woman next to me.

“I’ll have you know,” Rio said, finally setting the coffee pot to start brewing, and he turned so that he could face us. “I asked her out on a date this morning, and she said yes.”

Really? Well, color me surprised. I was so sure that I was going to have to practically force them together. I had been really looking forward to meddling, but Rio’s words had taken the wind right out of my sails.

“Oh, well, good.” Was all I could think to say, and judging by Rio’s grin of triumph, he was glad that I was speechless.

I was about to tease him about something else, when I heard a delicate giggle coming from Madeline. By the time I glanced over at her, she had her fingers pressed to her lips as if she was trying to stop the giggle in its tracks, but her brown eyes still danced as they looked between Rio and I.

“You have a nice laugh.” The words bubbled out of me before I could stop them, and now it was my turn to blush as I shoveled eggs in my mouth and tried to remind myself that I wasn’t some pimple-faced teenager anymore. I knew how to talk to women, right?

Rio seemed to be enjoying the show as he reached across the counter and snagged a piece of toast from my plate despite my protests.

“Sharing is caring, Adair.” He said and bit into the toast, his dark eyes meeting mine. There was a deeper meaning to his words, a meaning that I could easily glean after knowing the man for almost sixteen years.Sharing is caring, in more ways than one, was what he was trying to say. He could tell that I was interested in getting to know Madeline and wasn’t going to be mad if I tried to pursue her, even if hehadacted a bit like a jealous kid the night before when I wouldn’t let him carry her out of the club.

Then my cell phone rang and interrupted our moment. I wasn’t due in the office for another hour or two, but one look at Mortie’s name on the screen told me that I would be needed much earlier.

“This is Carter.” I answered, and was immediately greeted by the dumpster fire that was election politics.