She rolled her eyes and said, “Flattery won’t get you anywhere because, as you said, we have a flight to catch.”

I laughed and said, “I’ll try again later.”

Annabella slept the entire flight, and I went through my list. Panic hit me and I wracked my brain trying to remember if I’d grabbed the Tiffany box from my drawer. If I hadn’t, it was too late to go back and get it. I had been so busy making sure everyone did what I asked and double checking all the little things that I might have just forgotten the most important thing.The ring.

I could spend the rest of the flight cussing myself out, or just think positive and believe that I had put it in my luggage when I grabbed a change of clothes.

Forcing the worry out of my mind, I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep. When I woke, the flight attendant was asking us to stow our tray tables and put our seats in the upright position. I didn’t think of myself as spoiled, but I’d gotten a taste of the Henderson jet, and commercial was nothing like flying private.

We didn’t take a limo to her apartment, we called an Uber. I wanted everything to seem like today was nothing special.

By the time we got to her apartment, Annabella was all ready to start packing her belongings. I humored her by doing one room, but then I looked at the clock and knew it was time to switch gears.

“Why don’t you put on a pretty dress and let me take you out?” I asked.

“It’s been a long day. Wouldn’t you rather stay home?” She ran her fingers up my chest and said, “My shower is so much bigger than yours.”

My cock began to harden and I pushed thoughts of making love to her in that shower out of my mind.

“Too late. I already booked it. The tickets are nonrefundable.”

“Then I guess we’re going out. What are we doing?” she asked.

“I saw an advertisement for a small charter yacht going out tonight. Holds about twenty people. I thought we could go out on the ocean and watch the stars. Since we don’t have the ocean in South Dakota, I thought you’d like this,” I said.

“Colton, that sounds lovely. You really do know what I like, don’t you?” she smiled. “How can I ever thank you?”

“You can thank me in that huge shower later,” I teased. “But now we have to get going.”

“Another deadline? You would think being unemployed wouldn’t make me feel so rushed all the time.”

“Promise, this is the last time tonight,” I said, ushering her into her room to change.

I did the same and put on my dress pants and white dress shirt. Even made sure to pack my suit jacket. Then I dug deep into my suitcase and my hand brushed up against something hard. I pulled it out.

Thank God.

I slipped the ring box into my jacket’s inside pocket just before she joined me. She twirled around and asked, “How do I look?” Then held up her finger and said, “Don’t you dare say perfection.”

“Anything else would be a lie,” I said.

She kissed me and said, “Since I don’t want you to ever lie to me, then I guess I’ll have to accept it.”

Tonight’s not really lying. It’s planning a surprise and just withholding the truth about it. Not the same thing at all.

We arrived at the dock and Jack texted me that everyone else was on board. The captain was given strict instructions to depart immediately after we boarded. I didn’t want to give anyone the opportunity to disembark.

The yacht was a lot larger than I had made it out to be, and everyone was inside when we boarded. Annabella had no idea what was about to happen.

We went to the front of the boat, and she was so busy looking out at the ocean that she didn’t even notice the others coming out to join us. That was, until her father spoke.

“Annabella, is that you?” Greg asked.

She turned around and said, “Dad? Mom? What are you doing here?”

“Your mother got me tickets for an evening cruise.” Greg turned to his wife and said, “Did you know she would be here?”

It was my turn to step in before he started “Mr. Montgomery, this was all my doing. I thought it would be nice if the two families could all officially meet.”