“I know you’ve had a lot on your mind, but I’m on vacation this week. We were supposed to take a trip hiking in the mountains. Boston won’t be the same, but it will get me the hell out of town for a while. And with any luck, get you the answers you need.”

I searched for flights, and found one that would get us to Boston early evening. This was the easy part. Not offending my newfound family with my questions was going to be much more difficult.

What if I learn that Greg Montgomery is right and the Henderson family are assholes?

“What are you thinking?” Jack asked.

“That a month ago I didn’t even know who my parents were and now that I have found my family, I might wish I never found them.”

“That’s a possibility. But it could be that Annabella’s father is the asshole here. Wait until you have the facts,” Jack said.

I didn’t call Rhonda or Logan to give them any advance warning that I was coming. Not letting Annabella know was the hardest. Being back in Boston and not being with her was going to suck.

This might just be my last trip to Boston.

Several hours later, Jack and I were sitting in Logan’s office. “I hope you don’t mind my coming to see you without any notice,” I said.

“We’re family. If you need me, I am here. And you are?” Logan asked, looking at Jack.

“Detective Jack Morgan.”

Logan looked at me and asked, “Is this official police business? Are you in trouble?”

I shook my head. “Jack is my best friend, and he accompanied me here because I have a problem.”

“I’ll help in any way I can,” Logan said.

“Good, because it involves you. You and the family,” I stated.

“Me? What did I do?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. I went and met Annabella’s parents yesterday. Everything went perfectly. Until you called. Her dad asked about you and when I told him your name, he kicked my ass out and told me never to come back. Actually he had a few choice words about our father as well. What is it about the family that I don’t know? What would make him hate you so much?” I asked.

“I have no idea. What is his name? Maybe I treated a family member who did not recover the way they expected, or one who didn’t survive.”

“Greg Montgomery. He owns a limo service in Boston,” I said.

Logan shrugged. “The name doesn’t mean anything to me. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have Bennett look into it and see what he comes up with.”

“I don’t care who looks, as long as I get the answers. Right now, I think I have lost Annabella. I need to fix this, but first I need to know what is wrong,” I said.

Logan nodded and dialed Bennett. They chatted for a couple of minutes. I wanted to trust him, but once again, he was connected to the Henderson family.

“What did he say?” I asked.

“He’d like to meet with us in the morning. Are you going to be here in Boston?” Logan asked.

“We are. I haven’t told anyone I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way,” I said.

“Are you talking about Annabella or the new family?” he asked.


“Okay. Do you need a place to stay? I have spare rooms if you need them,” Logan offered.

I shook my head. “We have a hotel. Call me in the morning and we’ll meet with you and Bennett.”

“Are you sure you want Jack involved in this?” Logan asked.