“I didn’t know I was going to be having dinner with you,” he said.

“Not me, but your lady friend,” I stated.

He cocked a brow. “Rhonda? She’s my sister.”

“Oh,” I blushed.

“Do you really think I’d be out with you right now if I was involved with another woman?” he asked.

“No. That’s not what I meant. I mean, we’re not reallyout.I just gave you a ride to get coffee and something to eat. And also, to make up for my error earlier,” I tried explaining, but I could tell I was doing a bad job of it.

“You might be used to city guys, but we don’t do that in the country. And the ladies there wouldn’t tolerate it, either,” he said firmly.

I could tell I had offended him. “I’m so sorry. It was rude of me to say such a thing. I guess it was my subtle way of trying to find out if you were involved with anyone.”

“Maybe you could just ask,” he suggested.

I nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“I’m not seeing anyone,” he offered, breaking my awkward silence. “I’m here to visit family and then I’m going home. How about you, Annabella? Are you seeing anyone?” he questioned.

“No,” I replied softly.

“Are you my driver to the airport tomorrow?” he asked.

“I am, but if you’d rather have someone else, I’ll understand.”Because I’ve insulted you, forgotten your bag, and who knows what else I’ll do.

“Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to meet a little earlier and grab a coffee with me before I left.”

I met his gaze. “You want to do this again?”

“If I wasn’t clear the first time, yes. I’m asking you out. That is, if you would like to see me again,” he said.

God, yes.

“I thought you had dinner plans before your flight,” I reminded him.

“I do, but I can see if we can move that up a little bit so that we can have some time, too. Is that a yes, or are you going to look for another excuse to say no?”

“I’m not doing that. I want to see you again.”Just not sure it’s a smart idea.

“Good. Then why don’t you pick me up at six at Rhonda’s and we can spend a couple of hours together.”

If Dad finds out, I’m going to get one hell of a lecture.But I wasn’t going to say a word, and I didn’t believe Colton would, either.

The waitress brought us our food and my mouth started watering like crazy.

“What do you say about picking me up in the Mustang instead of the limo?” he asked.

“I think you’ll have to call the office to cancel the limo,” I said. “And since there isn’t a twenty-four-hour advance notice, you’ll still be charged.”

“I have no problem with that if you don’t,” he stated.

“I never mind taking her out for a ride and showing her off,” I said.

He laughed. “Does she have a name, too?”

“Can’t settle on one,” I chuckled.

Tonight might not be a date, but tomorrow, I couldn’t say the same.