Page 78 of Finding Her Cyborg

“I was just about to comm you,” Sato told them.

“You were?” Taly asked.

“Yes,” she rubbed her hands on the apron she wore. “I can’t do any of the amazing things the rest of you can. I’m just a wife and mother, but I can ensure you’re all properly fed.”

Walking over to give her a reassuring hug, Taly told her, “You’re more than that, Sato. If it wasn’t for you, Ranvir and I might never have made it back to the Troubadour. We owe you more than we can ever repay.” Sato blushed at the compliment. “And if this food tastes half as good as it smells, then you’re the amazing one.”

The dining room doors opened and the room filled with the rest of their pod.

“Something smells amazing!” Vujcec announced and headed directly to the table. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but after escaping from bounty hunters and calling out an evil emperor, I’m starving.”

His antics had everyone laughing. Even Ganesha cracked a smile, and they all moved to the table and sat down, including Ree, holding Uki. Taly looked around.

“Where’s Oved?”

“Right here,” he said, coming out of the galley carrying a pitcher of drinks.

“Great, now we can eat.” Taly looked to Sato. “Sit down, Sato. You’re not our servant.”

“I…” Oved put a gentle hand on his wife’s arm and guided her to the seat next to Ree.

As the pod ate, back in Taly’s quarters the comm station signaled an incoming transmission.