Page 58 of Finding Her Cyborg

“The cyborgs were all from the same pod,” Ganesha said quietly. “Their leader was killed when they were originally captured. The other males, I do not know.”

“You knew them?” Ranvir asked.

“We were in the same holding cell before Shui’s trial,” he told them. “They were devastated at their loss and never shared their names.”

“We can’t let Shui get away with this,” Taly said, wiping her cheeks as she stepped away from Ranvir.

“And we won’t,” Ranvir told her, “but right now, we need to concentrate on what will happen over the next few hours.”

Taly sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to calm before nodding. “Of course, which is why I originally came to the bridge. The door to the lower level won’t open. Do you know why?”

“Because I secured it,” Ranvir told her.

“What? Why?” she demanded.

“Because I wasn’t going to allow any of those colonists to wander around the ship. Not when several of them got aggressive with you.”

“They were just blowing off steam.” She waved a hand dismissively.

“Are you sure about that?” Ranvir asked. “They lost their future and most all their possessions.”

“That’s my point,” she interrupted, but he just continued.

“They know we’re cyborgs, Taly. Know they can get credits for turning us in.”

“Which is why we should have left them to their fate,” Ganesha muttered.

“A fate like the one Shui just gave your fellow cyborgs and innocent civilians?” Taly rounded on the assassin. “Is that what you mean?”

Ganesha had the grace to look ashamed. “No, but they put us at risk.”

“Life is a risk. It’s how we live it that matters.” She let her gaze travel over the room. “And I, for one, am not going to become like Shui and suspect everyone in the universe is against me. Now, I’m going to go check on the colonists, and if I’m not able to,” her gaze locked with Ranvir’s, “more than the colonists will be getting off on Yelmurn.”

With that, she turned and left the bridge.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

“Shit, man, could you have handled that any worse?” Vujcec muttered, glaring at Ranvir.

Ranvir rounded on him. “Shui just executed five innocent people for no reason. Do you know what would happen if he got his hands on Taly?!”

“So you’re going to what? Lock her in her stateroom?” Vujcec demanded.

“If I have to,” Ranvir admitted.

“And if the ship is boarded, what then? How does she protect herself?” Vujcec watched Ranvir run a frustrated hand through his hair. “Look, I know you’re only trying to keep her safe, but Taly knows how to handle herself. Not in combat situations,” he admitted, “that’s your area, but when it comes to people and working a crowd… there’s no one better than Talyani. So let her do what she’s good at. Let her feel like she hassomecontrol in this fucked up situation. That she can contribute.”

At their stunned looks, he huffed humorously. “Look, guys, Taly and I know we’re the weak links in this group. You can all survive without us, but we can’t without you. It’s not the most comfortable situation to live in. Knowing you’re unnecessary.”

“You’re not unnecessary, Vujcec,” Pike was the first to speak. “You were the one that disarmed the Troubadour’s transponder when we forgot to. You were the one who thought to clone the Celerity’s code so we could use it.”

“You’re not a weak link,” Tane agreed.

“Neither is Taly,” Vujcec told them in a tight voice. “Stop treating her like she is.”

Ranvir hated what Vujcec was saying. Hated it because he was right. Taly had more strength and intelligence than any of them gave her credit. All because of her looks and profession. Including him, even after everything she’d done to save them, to get them this far. He didn’t include her in his decisions or ask her opinion. That needed to change.

“Tane,” he said quietly, “unlock the lower deck.”