Page 36 of Finding Her Cyborg

“If they have the credits,” she pointed out. “Most of these people spent everything they had getting passage on that ship. Now all they have are the clothes on their backs and whatever credits they were carrying when the pirates attacked.”

“Vemara may have a spaceport, but it doesn’t have whatweneed.” Pike crossed the room and pulled up the weapon levels on that screen. All were below fifty percent. “We also need to replace the power crystals for the rear shields. Neither of those can be found on Vemara.”

“Where can they be found?” Ranvir asked.

“Put the star chart on the main screen,” Pike told Tane. When Tane did, Pike walked over and pointed to a small dot. “Yelmurn. It has a spaceport, but more importantly, we’ll be able to acquire the power crystals and weapons without too many questions.” He gave Ranvir a knowing look.

“And the colonists?” Taly asked.

“Will be able to find work if they cannot afford immediate passage,” Pike told her.

“How long?” Ranvir demanded.

“Two days,” Pike told him. “As long as we don’t run into any more trouble.”