Chapter 11


I stare at the little,white stick and the two blue lines with my heart stuck in my throat choking me. I can’t move, I can’t think, I can’t freaking breathe.

How could this be possible? I’m always vigilant about taking my pills. Same time every day like clockwork. Sure, birth control isn’t a hundred percent effective, but ninety-nine percent is pretty freaking close. What are the odds of me being in that one percent? It seems the odds are stacked against me, because according to this stupid stick, I’m pregnant.


My breathing speeds up and little black dots appear in my vision.

I can’t even think that word without wanting to hyperventilate.

Do I want kids? Yes. I would love to have at least a couple.

Am I prepared to have one now? I almost shout the word no out loud.

Oh God!

This can’t be happening. There has to be a mistake. Maybe the test was faulty and gave a false positive. That has to be it, because I can’t be pregnant. I just can’t be.

My phone vibrates, and I look down at it sitting beside the test. Kai’s name flashes across the screen. My lungs freeze as I stare at his name. I can’t talk to him right now, so I let the call go to voicemail.

My mind conjures question after question. What will Kai think about becoming a father? Will he be angry, upset, or happy? He told Wesley a while back he plans for us to have kids, but that doesn’t mean he wants them right now. He’s young, barely in his twenties. He can’t be prepared any more than I am right now.

When my phone begins vibrating again, and I see his name, an image pops in my head of a little boy with brown, shaggy hair and deep-blue eyes. In my mind, the boy looks just like Kai, and I can’t help the small smile from forming on my face. I have no doubt that any child of Kai’s would be beautiful.

A tiny spark of anticipation begins to spread into my stomach. Maybe this won’t be as bad as I fear. If given the choice, I would definitely like to wait to have children, but now that the decision has been made for me, a small part of me is excited. Kai’s the first man I’ve dated that I could see a future with. The feelings he invokes in me are much stronger than I’ve felt with any other man. I want to bear his children.

“Holy shit! You’re pregnant!”

I spin around at Camila’s screeched words. “Jesus, Camila. You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing here? Have you ever heard of knocking?”

Her eyes are still pinned on the pregnancy test. She blinks, then focuses her gaze on me. “I did knock. I even rang the doorbell. Your car is outside so I knew you were home. I got worried when you didn’t answer.” Her eyes drop back to the white stick, and she repeats part of her earlier statement. “You’re pregnant.”

I snatch the stick from the counter and stuff it in my pocket. “It appears so.”

Her gaze is curious as she runs her eyes over every inch of my face. “I didn’t realize you and Kai were that serious.” She pauses a beat before her lips tip up suggestively. “And can I just say, you’ve got damn good taste. Kai is hot as fuck. Though I would have never taken you for a woman to go for a guy so young.”

I’ve never been attracted to younger men, until Kai came along. Something about him grabbed my attention the first day he came into my office to start his internship. At first I thought it was simply mild curiosity because he was the boy I used to babysit and it was strange seeing him so grown up. I know now it was more. So much more.

I ignore Camila’s questioning gaze and grab my brush. After sliding it through the strands, I gather my hair into a ponytail then twist the extra around to form a bun. Once done with that, I reapply my lipstick because I’ve licked off most of it with my nervousness of finding out I’m pregnant.

“Uh, Pen.”

I look over at Camila’s hesitant voice. She’s staring down with a frown at my opened birth control pack in her hand.

“What?” I ask, confused as to why she’s concentrating so hard on the pill pack.

“Something’s not right with this.” She looks up. “These aren’t the right pills.”

I take the pack from her. “What do you mean they aren’t right?”

“I use the same birth control. You see this letter here?” She points to a tiny O pressed into one of the pills. “That’s supposed to be a Q.”

I take a closer look and notice the line on the bottom of the Q missing.

“What the hell?”