I acknowledge his threat with a jerk of my chin. “Noted and understood. But it’s not needed. I have no intention of hurting Penelope.”

He holds my stare with his own. “Most people don’t, until they do.”

“Hello?” Penelope pulls away from me. “I’m standing right here, for Christ’s sake.”

“You shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Wesley says with laughter dancing in his eyes.

Penelope snorts. “Whatever. Stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

Jersey comes unglued from Wesley’s side, seeming to finally come out of her stupefied state. She approaches Penelope, a happy grin on her face.

“You didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone,” she gushes as she reaches out to hug Penelope.

She awkwardly returns the embrace. “Because I’m not,” Penelope says once she pulls away.

Jersey looks from her to me then back to Penelope. “Uh, are you sure, because it seems like this guy is pretty sure you are.”

“Yes, I’m sure,” Penelope grits out.

I hold my hand out to Jersey. “We haven’t officially met. I’m Kai.”

She takes my hand. “It’s great to meet you.”

I tug Penelope back to my side then tighten my hold when she tries to pull away. “Don’t pay her any mind. This is a game we play. She likes to play hard to get because she enjoys it so much when I remind her why we’re together. She just can’t get enough.”

Jersey laughs and Penelope lets out a choked cough. I run my hand up and down her back. “You okay, baby?”

Her elbow digs into my side. “Yes, but you won’t be later,” she grumbles.

I smile and kiss the top of her head.

“We have to pick Sam up from his friend’s house, so we’re heading out,” Wesley announces.

I let Penelope go so she can say goodbye to her brother and Jersey. Once the door is closed behind them, she spins around to face me, fire spitting from her expressive eyes.

“You are unbelievable!” she spews. “I can’t believe you told my brother we’re getting married!”

I shrug a shoulder. “Did you expect me to lie to him?”

“You did lie to him!” she yells.

“No, I didn’t.” I walk toward her. “We will be getting married.” I stop with only a few inches separating us. I reach up and grab a lock of her hair, twirling it around my finger. “If I had my way, I’d haul your ass down to the courthouse right now, but I know you need time to come to terms with the situation, so I’m willing to wait a bit longer.”

“Willing to wait a bit longer,” she mutters, her eyes dropping to the front of my shirt. She lifts them a moment later. “You are certifiably insane.”

I tug the lock of hair still in my grip. “More like realistic. Baby, you and I are inevitable. We have been since the first time you walked into my parents’ house all those years ago. You captured my heart then and you’ve held it in your hands ever since.”

Some of the fire fades from her eyes and her expression softens. “Kai—”

Whatever she has to say, which I know isn’t good, I don’t let her finish. I quickly grab the back of her head and drop my mouth to hers. Once again, she melts against me.

Why she’s fighting the intense attraction between us, I have no clue. I know she feels it too. She may not want to feel it, but she does.

Grabbing the back of her thighs, I lift her. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I press her back against the wall beside the door. I grind my hardened cock against her center. Her low moan drifts from her mouth and into mine, and I groan my pleasure back at her.

I’ve dreamed of this woman for years. Bided my time and made all the right moves to ensure we ended up right where we are. She needs time to catch up, and I’ll give it to her.