Chapter 4


Breakinginto Penelope’s house is a risky move, especially with her neighbors so close, but it’s necessary to get what I want. Thankfully, it wasn’t too difficult. A credit card slipped into the back door, and I was pushing it open and gazing around her kitchen. The space is massive with stainless steel appliances.

I move through the kitchen and hit the dining room from there. A long table sits in the center of the room, and I know that’s where Penelope and her family spend their weekly dinners.

I quickly move throughout the house, aware that she could be back any minute. I overheard Penelope at work earlier on the phone with her sister, Harley, making plans to go check on Taylor. I have no idea how long she’ll be gone, but it would be wise of me to not be here when she gets home.

I locate her bedroom at the back of the house, and I take a moment to look around. The king-sized bed is perfectly made with a white comforter with turquoise and gray flowers. Nightstands sit on either side of the bed with only a lamp and clock on one of them. There’s a matching dresser and chest of drawers against one wall and a chair sitting in the corner. I walk over to the dresser and pick up the bottle of perfume sitting on top. My dick jerks in my jeans when I take a whiff of the familiar scent.

Putting the bottle back where I found it, I ignore the need to open her drawer and steal a pair of her panties. On my way to her bathroom, a laundry hamper half-filled with clothes catches my eye. I don’t even try to ignore the new need that fills me. Picking up a pair of panties from the top, I bring the material to my nose. I take in a deep breath. A guttural groan rumbles from my throat. I’m tempted to jack off inside her panties and leave them for her, but I squash the desire, because I don’t have time.

I drop them back in the hamper and enter the bathroom. It doesn’t take me long to find what I’m looking for. Opening the flat case, I take note of how many pills have been taken before I pull the pack out and replace it with the one from my pocket. I make sure to pop out the same amount of pills then flush them down the toilet. I peruse the new pack I just put in. They look exactly like the ones I took, even the color is an exact replica. The difference is the new ones are placebos and won’t do shit to prevent Penelope from getting pregnant. When I made the decision to execute this plan, I made sure there were no other guys in her life. The last thing I need is her getting pregnant by another man.

I got the pills from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. Why the guy even has these types of pills is kinda disturbing, but hey, in this instance, it works in my favor. I’m aware of how fucked up what I’m doing is, but when it comes to Penelope Adair, I couldn’t give two shits.

What I told her the other day about having a crush on her when I was a child was the truth. I had no idea what the feeling was when I was a child. I just knew I liked it when my babysitter was around, and I hated it when she wasn’t. When she left for college, I pitched a fit like a spoiled little kid. What I didn’t tell Penelope was that when she came back from college and I was older, my crush morphed into a closeted obsession. I stopped telling Mom I was going to marry Penelope—to her it was a silly, innocent crush. But it was so much more than that to me. By the time I was fourteen, I had had just about every sexual fantasy about Penelope a person could have about a person. I’ve plotted and waited years to be where I am today, and I’m not wasting any more time.

After making sure everything is as it was when I first walked in, I leave the bathroom and make my way to the back door. I wish I had more time to explore Penelope’s house, but I’ve already been inside long enough.

I slip out of her house, making sure to lock the door again before pulling it closed. I stay in the shadows as I creep along the side yard. I’m just about to dash across the yard to the road when headlights appear down the street. I hold back, waiting for the vehicle to pass by. It doesn’t, because it’s not just anyone’s car. Penelope pulls into the driveway and shuts off the engine. She steps out of her vehicle a moment later. I peek around the corner of her house and watch as she walks up the steps to her front porch, unlocks the door, and disappears behind it.

If I were smart, I would leave. But it’s just too fucking tempting.

I move back around to the back of the house and make my way to her bedroom window. Luckily, her curtains are sheer, so I have no problem seeing inside. I’m there for fifteen minutes before her light turns on and she walks into her room. She pulls out the clip in her hair and her long tresses fall down past her shoulders. I can’t wait to grip all that beautiful hair in my hand and guide her head as she takes me deep inside her throat. She’ll gag on my shaft because I want her to, but she’ll also do it because she wants to.

After she takes out her earrings and deposits them on her dresser, she starts working on the buttons of her silk shirt. She reveals a lacey, maroon bra that cups her generous tits. The edge barely covers her nipples. The zipper on the back of her pencil skirt is tugged down next, and fuck me sideways with a prickly stick, the ass that comes into view nearly has me panting like a hungry dog. Her thong is the same color as her bra. I want to grab the thin string wedged between her asscheeks with my teeth and give it a tug.

My fantasy comes to a screeching halt when she walks into the bathroom, still clad in her bra and thong, and closes the door behind her. I’m tempted to stay where I am until she comes back out, but my decision is made for me when the neighbor’s back porch light comes on, followed closely by their voices.

Reluctantly, and with a glare toward the house next door, I leave the window and make my way to the side of the house. After checking to make sure the coast is clear, I dart across Penelope’s yard to the sidewalk. The slight chill in the air works in my favor because no one would think it odd seeing a man with his hood over his head.

I walk the short distance to my car around the block then climb inside. Despite it being a close call with Penelope coming home soon after I slipped out of her house, tonight was a success. I accomplished what I wanted. Now comes the fun part.

Ensuring Penelope stays connected to me forever by getting her pregnant.