Chapter 14


“Hey, Mom,”I say as I lean down to kiss her cheek. “Dad.”

He nods his head. “Hey, son.”

I turn to the nervous woman at my side and place my arm around her waist. It’s strange to see Penelope so unsure of herself when she’s normally so confident. It’s cute as fuck and makes me love her even more.

“I’m sure you guys can guess that Penelope and I are seeing each other,” I tell my parents.

Dad’s expression doesn’t give anything away, which is normal for him. He’s always been easygoing and pretty much leaves everyone to their own devices, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.

Mom looks back and forth between Penelope and me, her eyes blank for several seconds. Then she smiles. It starts out slow but quickly encompasses her whole face.

“Why does this not surprise me?” she asks through her smile and moves her gaze to Penelope. “Kai’s always had a massive crush on you.”

Penelope nervously licks her lips. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m so much older than him?”

Mom steps forward and lifts her hand, laying her palm on Penelope’s cheek. “I’ve always felt, as long as both are adults, age is just a number. You’re a wonderful woman, Penelope. I’ve always known that about you. If you make my son happy and he does the same for you, then your age doesn’t faze me a bit.”

I can feel Penelope’s body relax against my side. I look down and see her smile.

“Thank you, Macy. It means a lot that you feel that way.”

I press a kiss to the top of Penelope’s head and swing my gaze back to my parents.

“Penelope and I dating isn’t the only news we wanted to share with you.” I pause. Mom looks on expectantly. “In about eight months, you’ll both be grandparents.”

“What?” Mom screeches, her eyes going wide as they drop down to Penelope’s stomach. “You’re pregnant?”

Penelope beams as her head jerks up and down. “Yes.”

Mom squeals like she’s back in her teens and throws her arms around Penelope. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandmother!”

Dad and I chuckle as the two women spin in circles. He walks around them and claps his hand on my back. “Congrats, son. I hope you’re ready because you’re in for a world of trouble now.”

“Oh, you hush,” Mom reprimands, slapping his chest with the back of her hand. “Kai and Penelope will make wonderful parents.”

“Never said otherwise,” he responds. “Just that being a parent isn’t a breeze.”

She huffs out a breath. “I don’t know what kid you raised because Kai was an angel.”

Dad barks out a laugh. “An angel, huh? What about the time he was on the roof with an umbrella thinking he would float down? Had I not been out mowing I wouldn’t have seen him.”

“What?” Mom shouts, turning to glare at Dad. “He did no such thing!”

Dad rocks back on his heels. “He damn sure did. I just never told you because I knew you would freak out.”

“Michael Adams Deluca,” she growls, “you tell me right now that you didn’t keep something like that from me.”

Penelope steps back, her surprised gaze swinging back and forth between my parents. I throw an arm over her shoulder and watch them with amused eyes.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, dear. I’m honestly surprised Kai made it to his tenth birthday,” he says with laughter in his voice. “I can’t count how many times I’ve stopped him from doing something stupid.”

Penelope tips her head back, her threatening gaze meeting mine. “I swear, Kai, you better not ever keep something like that from me.”

“I won’t, baby.” I kiss the end of her nose.